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Such a bad ass street drummer! Stanton Warriors Facebook 10152018258208889. Rush Hour Traffic in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Meskel Square, Addis Abeba. Land Rover Invents the Invisible Hood. Image: Land Rover Rear-facing cameras have replaced craning your neck while reversing.

Land Rover Invents the Invisible Hood

Screens are about to replace windows on private jets. Now, Land Rover is using streaming video to virtually remove an SUV’s hood. The Discovery Vision Concept, set to debut at the New York Auto Show, uses a front-facing camera to see what’s ahead, then projects the image on the lower portion of the windshield so the driver can see “through” the hood. 104269. Finch & Co - Napoleonic Prisoner of War Work Finely Fretcut Bone Set of Spellicans or Jack Straws. Pyrophone. A pyrophone, also known as a "fire/explosion organ" or "fire/explosion calliope" is a musical instrument in which notes are sounded by explosions, or similar forms of rapid combustion, rapid heating, or the like.


It was invented by Georges Frédéric Eugène Kastner. Related musical instruments[edit] The German composer Wendelin Weißheimer (1838-1910) playing a Pyrophone. Image gallery: The Landscape Alphabet. Recto Series of 26 landscape scenes shaped as letters of the alphabet; rebound in a 20th-century binding.

Image gallery: The Landscape Alphabet

Letter A: upper part composed of three figures around a fire at the edge of a slope to small pond, forming the lower part of the letter; outline by trees. Letter B: a vista on level country, outlined by trees and branches and the edge of a rise with two figures as the bottom part of the letter. Letter C: a castle on cliffs on the left; waves of the sea shaping the lower curve, clouds the upper one.