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H24FINANCE sur SOCIETE.COM. Pourquoi ce numéro de mise en relation payant ? Chaque jour, nous achetons puis agrégeons les bases de données de tous nos fournisseurs; puis nos équipes d'ingénieurs travaillent pour organiser, trier et mettre à jour ces données pour en faire une base contenant toutes les entreprises françaises (7,6 millions d'entreprises). Ensuite, nos graphistes et nos intégrateurs font de leur mieux pour présenter toutes ces informations de la manière la plus agréable et lisible pour vous. Enfin, nos équipes marketing achètent des mots clés de manière à ce que vous puissiez trouver le numéro que vous recherchez le plus rapidement possible.

Si nous voulons conserver l'accès gratuit à toutes les autres informations d' (horaires, produits, services, promotions ....), ce numéro de mise en relation payant est le seul moyen de rémunérer le travail de toutes nos équipes et l'achat de nos bases. Merci de votre compréhension. Un nombre de demande trop important a été enregistré. Accueil - BanquiersPrivésetCGP.

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Un filet d’huile d’olive, chaque jour, peut éviter l’AVC. Un filet d’huile d’olive, chaque jour, peut éviter l’AVC Actualité publiée le 17-06-2011 Neurology Pour les auteurs de cette étude, notre huile d’olive fait partie de la “brain food” car, en consommer régulièrement, pour la cuisson ou l'assaisonnement, peut contribuer à prévenir l’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) chez les personnes âgées.

Un filet d’huile d’olive, chaque jour, peut éviter l’AVC

Ces conclusions, qui viennent renforcer les bénéfices déjà connus du “régime méditerranéen” ont l’honneur d’être publiés dans l’édition en ligne du 15 juin de Neurology, la revue de l'American Academy of Neurology. "Notre recherche suggère qu'une nouvelle série de recommandations diététiques devrait être délivrée aux personnes de 65 ans et plus, pour prévenir l’AVC," déclare l’auteur de l'étude, le Dr.

Espace dentiste - Le 1er site dentaire indépendant dédié aux professionnels - Chirurgien Prothésiste. LinkedFA Offers Social Network For Financial Advisors - The BrainYard. Regulatory and compliance issues forced the company to install controls and features not available on consumer social networks.

LinkedFA Offers Social Network For Financial Advisors - The BrainYard

(click image for larger view) Top 20 Apps For Managing Social Media Frustrated by regulations that make it awkward for them to participate fully on social networks, some financial advisors are signing up for a network created specifically for them. LinkedFA launched last year as a social network for advisors that would allow them to connect with each other without worrying that they will run afoul of regulations on financial advertising and communications that complicate the use of other social networks.

For example, under Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules, a social network profile that includes an advisor's professional affiliation is treated as advertising, meaning that it is subject to a regulatory compliance review prior to publication. 1 of 2 More Insights. LinkedFA. The FA today Value to You The primary challenge IFAs face today is time management.


In addition to being wealth managers, IFAs are entrepreneurs. This means they not only must keep up with all news, trends and financial products as they relate to financial markets, but also need to stay up to date on regulations, practice and business management news and trends to grow their business. Access to information is not the problem. The problem is too much access to too much information from too many sources. Current publishers, platforms, technology and digital/print media do a good job of creating and hosting content, but they fall extremely short on delivering that content in a way that is relevant to a specific IFA. Each IFA practice is unique. FA today enables IFAs to receive only content that is relevant to your practice, and receive it all in one place. Frédéric PHILIPPON est sur H24Finance. Socialware. IFA Life – the Social Network for IFAs and Financial Planners - Measuring the online influence and authority of Financial Services professionals Just as you have worked hard in the 'real world' to build and maintain a first class reputation, financial advisers now need to build their 'online reputation'.

IFA Life – the Social Network for IFAs and Financial Planners -

The two are not necessarily one and the same. A quick glance at the 'discussions' between IFAs on some other industry sites, would lead many to conclude that they don't realise that what they write is visible to the whole world (consumers, journalists, commentators and Google) - giving people a very different view of their professionalism and credibility. Unless specifically stated by the website you are writing, commenting, tweeting or blogging on, it is reasonable to assume that everything you post will be picked up by search engines*.

So how you conduct yourself and how you behave online determines your online reputation - and goes a long way to helping people to decide if you are the sort of financial adviser that they want to do business with. Phil. Create a Social Networking Site with Ning, the Best Social Site Platform.