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Homeschool Curriculum Helps Parents Prepare | Help & Teach Our Children. Homeschool Curriculum Helps Parents Prepare Someone once said that a child can be educated well with nothing more than a well-stocked library of good books. This is certainly sufficient for some people, but most parents who are tackling the education feel better about having a homeschool curriculum that they can follow to be sure they cover the topics properly. For new homeschooling parents, it can truly seem a daunting task to try to choose the right home schooling curriculum for the needs of the particular family unit and individual students. Usually parents have already been through quite a lot of rigorous study and contemplation before deciding to pursue home schooling with their children, and at that point they are often simply at a loss for knowing how to select the most effective and comprehensive curriculum.

Sometimes this can be most helpful in narrowing down the choices, while for some people this simply adds to the confusion regarding the matter. Related Homeschooling Articles. Amy Chua Is a Wimp. Chua didn’t let her own girls go out on play dates or sleepovers. She didn’t let them watch TV or play video games or take part in garbage activities like crafts. Once, one of her daughters came in second to a Korean kid in a math competition, so Chua made the girl do 2,000 math problems a night until she regained her supremacy. Once, her daughters gave her birthday cards of insufficient quality. Chua rejected them and demanded new cards. Once, she threatened to burn all of one of her daughter’s stuffed animals unless she played a piece of music perfectly. As a result, Chua’s daughters get straight As and have won a series of musical competitions. In her book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” Chua delivers a broadside against American parenting even as she mocks herself for her own extreme “Chinese” style.

The furious denunciations began flooding my in-box a week ago. Her critics echoed the familiar themes. I have the opposite problem with Chua.

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Homeschool Populations. 5 Simple Ways to Have a Successful Homeschool Day. Colleges Nationwide Recruit Homeschool Grads. Contact: Gena Suarez, Publisher, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, 530-906-9343, GRAY, Tenn., Jan. 4, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- As the modern-day homeschool movement confidently marches forward into its fourth decade, colleges and universities are opening wide their doors to welcome its mature, prepared graduates to their ranks. Homeschoolers score an average of 37 percentile points above the national average on standardized achievement tests and typically score above average on the SAT and ACT, statistics that apparently have caught the eye of college admissions personnel. Since 1999, the number of homeschoolers in the United States has increased by 74%, and today thousands of young men and women are graduating from high school -- at home.

A number of institutions have appointed "homeschool liaison and recruitment specialists" to serve incoming freshmen and their families. Colleges are looking for young people like Seth. HomeSchool Dads.