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Communicators. Golf Hotel Whiskey – The free online magazine for pilots. Plans - Golf Hotel Whiskey. Structurae - International Database and Gallery of Structures. Intelligence Resource Program. Asymmetrical Online War. In 1975, John Brunner wrote a science fiction novel, “The Shockwave Rider,” about a lone programmer who creates a computer worm that exposes a repressive regime’s secrets and ultimately undermines a tyrannical government.

Asymmetrical Online War

Life invariably seems to find a way to imitate art, but as the world’s computer systems and networks continue to fall prey to hackers, the resemblance has become eerie. The Internet has transformed many things in the world, but one of its most remarkable effects has been to change the balance of power, not between states, but between entire nations and their citizens.

NYTimes admits back doors and kill switches (via PROMIS) in military hardware. The Hunt for the Kill Switch. Three years ago, the prestigious Defense Science Board, which advises the DOD on science and technology developments, warned in a report that the continuing shift to overseas chip fabrication would expose the Pentagon's most mission-critical integrated circuits to sabotage.

The Hunt for the Kill Switch

The board was especially alarmed that no existing tests could detect such compromised chips, which led to the formation of the DARPA Trust in IC program. Where might such an attack originate? Schneier on Security. UTM & Lat/Lon Conversions. 16) Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions.

Disaster Charter - Recent Activations.