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10 Questions to Ask Before Determining Your Target Market. The better you understand your customer, the faster your business will grow. But new ventures often struggle to define their target market and set their sights too broadly. "We often overestimate the market size, and in many cases there may not be one at all," says Robert Hisrich, director of the Walker Center for Global Entrepreneurship at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Glendale, Ariz.

Here are 10 questions that can help you determine whether you have a target market and what it is: Who would pay for my product or service? Who has already bought from me? Am I overestimating my reach? What does my network think? Am I making assumptions based on my personal knowledge and experience? What's my revenue model? How will I sell my product or service? How did my competitors get started? How will I find my customers? Is there room to expand my target market? Limited Time Offer Get a FREE Strategy Session Grow Faster & Easier! Linkedin. TechCrunch. Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice. Top Google Website Optimization Resources. Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals, web designers, and bloggers read a lot of tips from various experts to stay fresh and up on the current trends in website optimization.

But what does Google have to offer on the subject? Find out in this collection of tips, guides, resources, and tutorials straight from Google. These resources range from beginner's guides to over-your-head programming genius level. OK, maybe not that technical. Please note that none of these search optimization resources will provide you with secrets that'll automatically rank your site first for queries in Google. On-Page Website Optimization Resources Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide The SEO Starter Guide is filled with Google's advice on best practices to make it easier for search engines to crawl, index, and understand your content. Webmaster Guidelines Penalties from Google can be detrimental to your sales if you are removed from the search index. Creating & Submitting Sitemaps Google Basics. Customer Behavior - Steps to Writing Sales Literature That Sells.

I once sat in on a company's internal sales seminar and listened as the head of marketing announced, "It's my belief that most people don't read sales and marketing literature. " The audience of sales reps responded with almost unanimous claps and cheers. As a freelance writer and marketing professional, I still find both the comment and the applause rather unsettling. The truth is, I don't read the majority of direct mail postcards, emails and sales letters that I receive, either. But, occasionally, an exceptional piece filled with truly thought-provoking information filters its way to the forefront of my attention. I become absorbed in the sender's message, because it's authentic and clearly addresses a desire or need I actually have, or generates a new one! So, a more accurate statement by the marketing executive might have been, "People don't read most sales and marketing literature.

" Do you really know your prospect? I suggest you do—regularly. Now how do you get their attention? 10 Product Demo Videos To Inspire You - Video Maker Tips. Your enthusiasm for your product is contagious. When you talk about it, people grasp the value immediately, but you don’t have time to sit down with every possible user and walk them through it. That’s where the power of the demo video comes in — you can capture your product’s best features and unique use case all while entertaining and engaging your audience. Plus, it’s easier for fans to pass around to tell their own peers why they love your product so much!

We’ve selected ten demo videos from all over the web that illustrate best practices: a clear problem and solution, appeal to your unique target market and a great audio track, from smooth narration to sound effects and music. Include some of these into your video and you’ll capture the hearts of potential users. Lucky Ant: The video begins with narration from several characters, and I bet you would empathize with at least one of them. Shopify: This video starts with a compliment. Zazzle: First off, who can forget unicorn poop? Youtube. Pinterest / Home.