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PasteurTran/JMPortilla-Python-BootCamp: My Jupyter Notebooks for JM Portilla Course. Drithin/Complete-Python-Bootcamp: Jose Portilla Python Bootcamp on Udemy. Drithin/Complete-Python-Bootcamp-1: Lectures for Udemy - Complete Python Bootcamp Course. Drithin/Complete-Python-Bootcamp: Jose Portilla Python Bootcamp on Udemy. Nesreensada/python-for-data-science-bootcamp-udemy. Gramster/pythonbootcamp: Jupyter notebooks for a Python bootcamp. Germannp/BIST-Python-Bootcamp: Scientific python course material for two days. Bmorris3/2016_astro_bootcamp: 2016 Python Bootcamp for UW Astronomy and Physics. Channsoden/PythonBootcamp: Course files for the UCB QB3 Python Bootcamp. Nic-ball/python_bootcamp_days_4_and_5. Nic-ball/python_bootcamp_week4: python_bootcamp. Pi4-uiuc/2017-bootcamp: UIUC Math Department Computational Bootcamp for the PI4 program. Ycrc/Python-Bootcamp. Kialio/gsfcpyboot: Goddard Python Bootcamp.

Profjsb/python-bootcamp: Python Bootcamp docs and lectures (UC Berkeley) Kialio/gsfcpyboot: Goddard Python Bootcamp. Bloomberg/startup-python-bootcamp. PennGCB/python_bootcamp: Course materials for 4 week python programming bootcamp at Penn. Edmondb/gsfcbootcamp: GSFC Intermediate/Advanced Python Bootcamp 2017. Kialio/gsfcpyboot: Goddard Python Bootcamp.

Jmportilla/Complete-Python-Bootcamp: Lectures for Udemy - Complete Python Bootcamp Course.