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Impostor syndrome. The impostor syndrome, sometimes called impostor phenomenon or fraud syndrome, is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Background[edit] The term "impostor syndrome" first appeared in an article written by Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes who observed many high-achieving females tended to believe they were not intelligent, and that they were over-evaluated by others.[1] The impostor syndrome tends to be studied as a reaction to certain stimuli and events.

Prevalence[edit] Demographics[edit] Potential mechanisms[edit] Therapy[edit] Other methods: See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Cinematical. - America's Only Humor & Video Site Since 1958. Untitled. RHPolitics - Page 1 of 555. Rebecca Black - Friday Video (ft Usher) -- Blackest Friday Ever!!!!! & Public Peeing! Fukushima: Chernobyl Redux? Shan Nair is a British nuclear safety expert who was part of a panel that advised the European Commission on its response to the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. For almost twenty years, he worked within the UK nuclear industry for Britain’s national energy supply company analyzing both waste arising from spent nuclear fuel and also the consequences of what are called LOCAs–Loss of Coolant Accidents, which is precisely what officials are battling against at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Northern Japan.

I spoke to Nair by phone to learn his thoughts on the incident. Ecocentric: In the aftermath of Chernobyl, Europe faced a radioactive cloud that drifted over the continent. Is that your concern here? I do not think that a Chernobyl-style cloud is the biggest concern. My main concern is contamination of the water table. How bad a scenario will that be from a public health perspective?

Watching the Japanese rush to stop a meltdown must feel like a nightmarish deja vu of Chernobyl for you? Japan Miracle Rescues: Baby Girl, Elderly Woman Found Alive. Amid the silent corpses a baby cried out—and Japan met its tiniest miracle. On March 14, soldiers from Japan’s Self-Defense Forces went door to door in Ishinomaki, a coastal town northeast of Senda, pulling bodies from homes that had been flattened by the earthquake and tsunami.

More accustomed to hearing the crunching of rubble and the sloshing of mud than sounds of life, they dismissed the baby’s cry as a mistake. Until they heard it again. (More on See seven ways to help the victims in Japan.) They made their way to a pile of debris and carefully removed fragments of wood and slate, shattered glass and rock. A tidal wave literally swept the baby from her parents’ arms when it hit their home on March 11. “Her discovery has put a new energy into the search,” a civil defense official told a local news crew. (More on See pictures of Japan’s calamitous earthquake.) In a nation short on good news, other rescues have buoyed morale too. See the top 10 deadliest earthquakes.

New York Home. A Guide to Signs and Symbols in Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” Video. This morning brought the next stage in Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” roll out. Little Monsters and Gaga haters alike have been watching and weighing in on the music video. Us? We’re feeling a bit ambivalent. There’s a lot of cool imagery in there, but we’re still not loving the song, and we’re also getting a little sick of this self-congratulatory Gaga-as-creator-goddess/queer messiah business, too. (Plus, does anyone have an idea what “the mitosis of the future” is supposed to mean?) In our confusion, though, one thing is clear: as is the case for most Gaga videos, “Born This Way” is packed with signs and symbols. Pink triangle: Oh hey, does this song happen to be about gay rights? Unicorns: More queer stuff! Chains: Duh, guys. “A birth of magnificent and magical proportions”: This image could go any number of ways, but since we’re talking about a mysterious birth, we’re going with the Virgin of Guadalupe.

“A new race”: Well, we can see why there will be no prejudice. Oscars: 'King's Speech' Reigns Supreme with Four Awards - TIME. Success has many cousins. Just a few minutes after the end of the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony — with The King’s Speech picking up four out of a possible 12 Oscars, for Best Picture, Actor, Director and Original Screenplay — the Stuttering Foundation of America e-mailed a press release: “Stuttering Reigns King at Oscars.” “It is an eloquently golden night for people who stutter,” proclaimed the foundation’s president, Jane Fraser. “The King’s Speech has been a godsend for the entire stuttering community.” Sunday night’s ceremony tried to be a godsend for the entire film community by playing to two different demographics: the young, whose attendance keeps Hollywood in business; and the much older crowd of film professionals sitting in the Kodak Theatre.

(See the best moments from the 2011 Oscars.) But the Academy’s mission is to tie the industry’s so-so present with its more glamorous past. It’s really a miracle that hundreds of millions of people still watch this stately parade. Arizona: Why an Iraqi Woman Fell Victim to Honor Killing. "Dude, my dad is here at the welfare office," a 20-year-old woman named Noor al-Maleki texted a friend on Oct. 20, 2009. Noor was at the Department of Economic Security (DES) in Peoria, Ariz., helping Amal Khalaf fill out paperwork for food stamps. Noor was living with Khalaf, a maternal figure whom she'd known since childhood. Noor was estranged from her parents, who disapproved of what they considered her American ways — a fondness for tight jeans and makeup, and a reluctance to accede to their plans for her.

Those plans included an arranged marriage to a man in Iraq. Her father, Faleh al-Maleki, was furious when Noor abandoned the marriage, later becoming involved with one of Khalaf's sons. A few weeks before he turned up at the DES office, according to Khalaf, the father warned her that if Noor continued living with her family, "something bad would happen.

" He meant it. Walking slightly ahead of Noor, Khalaf glanced to her side and saw a gray jeep bearing down on them. Gaddafi's Next Move: Sabotage Libya's Oil and Sow Chaos? There's been virtually no reliable information coming out of Tripoli, but a source close to the Gaddafi regime I did manage to get hold of told me the already terrible situation in Libya will get much worse. Among other things, Gaddafi has ordered security services to start sabotaging oil facilities. They will start by blowing up several oil pipelines, cutting off flow to Mediterranean ports. The sabotage, according to the insider, is meant to serve as a message to Libya's rebellious tribes: It's either me or chaos. Two weeks ago this same man had told me the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt would never touch Libya.

Gaddafi, he said, had a tight lock on all of the major tribes, the same ones that have kept him in power for the past 41 years. The man of course turned out to be wrong, and everything he now has to say about Gaddafi's intentions needs to be taken in that context. What's Happening in Libya Explained. The Full Video: Bahrain's army deliberately kills peaceful protesters.

BNC SRVR. Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045, When Humans, Machines Merge.