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How to Pick the Perfect Laptop. I own 1 VIAO, 2 Dell, 1 HP laptops, and use 2 other HP laptops from work.

How to Pick the Perfect Laptop

You'd think with all those laptops (or notebooks, as I prefer to call them), you'd think I would have stumbled upon the perfect notebook. I haven't. Build Your Own VPN to Pimp Out Your Gaming, Streaming, Remote Access, and Oh Yeah, Security. DIY News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. Aviiq Ready Clips Are Mini Cables That Clip onto Your Bag (or Almost Anywhere) Use an Old Garden Hose to Make Carrying Buckets and Crates Easier on Your Hands. iCleaner Deletes Junk Files and Frees Up Space on Your Jailbroken iPhone.