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View topic - SYMBOLISM. I’ve just spent nearly a day glued to Michael Tsarion’s most excellent site I recommend to everyone who is concerned by the state of our planet review Michael’s impressive research. No other writing by any other author has made as much sense to me as this man’s work. His website is a portal, a magnificent doorway to personal and society empowerment. I have learnt much… Regulars to this site may remember that I have frequently cited the date 4th August as having pivotal importance. It is the date of the late Queen Mother’s birthday. Other significant events for 4th I have strong suspicions that 4th August is an even more significant date in the occult calendar than I thought. In ‘is work Michael reveals how the ‘Number of the Beast’ ‘666’ is a code: “A Precessional "day" is 2,160 years long.

Michael goes on to say: Numerologically September 11 2001 is 33-3 and 11-3. "a day of tears and a day of prayer" UNDERSTANDING THE MATRIX. All red pill takers follow me, all blue pill takers, use the exit in the top right hand corner. What is the Matrix? The matrix for starters is a movie trilogy that was released into theaters in March of 1999, with parts 2 &3 released in May and November of 2003. The Matrix has become one of my all time favorite movies. It's a very entertaining movie with tons of top notch special effects. The plot deals with humanity being taken over by Artificial Intelligent Machines.

The matrix is a movie FILLED WITH symbolism. The truth in the matrix has nothing to do with doctrine of any religious organization. Not so with the Matrix. Before we get into the lesson, I have to bring out some recent developments concerning the writing of the Movie. When I first watched the Matrix, one of the things that stuck out to me was, the amount of Hebrew (black) Characters in key roles. Within the last couple of years, information has surfaced stating a Hebrew Sister is the original author of the Matrix. 6. 7. NATIONAL TREASURE MOVIE: FREEMASONRY'S NATIONAL HERITAGE STORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS - Part 3 of 3. Title: "NATIONAL TREASURE" MOVIE: FREEMASONRY'S NATIONAL HERITAGE STORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS -- Part 3 of 3 Subtitle: We shall study more of the deeper real insights into Freemasonry woven into the movie, "National Treasure".

While the movie is generally fiction, much of what it depicts is really what Freemasons and other occultists believe and practice. At the end of this article, you will see that the final goal to which the movie points is Antichrist. But, bottom line is this: This movie boldly says, "in your face" that our Founding Fathers founded America so that its National Heritage, both culturally and religiously, comes straight from Egyptian Satanic Mysteries Religion.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. Copyright © 2004 Cutting Edge Ministries. What does this symbol mean? FREEDOM TOWER or PINNACLE Of ENSLAVEMENT ? by A on Myspace. UK | Queen unveils new forces memorial. The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales have attended the dedication of the new national Armed Forces Memorial. The £6m stone circle in Alrewas, Staffordshire, bears the names of 16,000 service personnel who have died since World War II. The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams led prayers at the event. He said the memorial was about naming the "invisible" ready to risk their lives for the country and world. There is room for 15,000 more names to be carved on the Portland stone walls of the memorial, at the National Memorial Arboretum.

Vice-Admiral Sir John Dunt, chairman of the Armed Forces Memorial Trustees, opened the ceremony with a speech in which he spoke of the sorrow and pride of the families of the deceased. He said: "I hope that those who have been bereaved and colleagues of those whose names are engraved find this a fitting place to remember and reflect. Heroic deaths Dr Williams spoke of the importance of memorials. "And that's what today is about.

The Pyramids of Scotland. (Originally published simultaneously in Atlantis Rising #35 — September/October, 2002 — and Duat CD-Magazine #1) Egyptian tycoon Mohamed al Fayed, owner of Harrods and father to Dodi, Princess Diana’s companion in their fatal 1997 car crash, has listed his ten favorite books on the Manchester Guardian’s website. One of them is “The Scotichronicon: A History Book for Scots,” described simply as “Scotland’s debt to Egypt revealed at last.” What does he mean? Completed in the 15th century by Walter Bower, Abbot of Inchcolm, the Scotichronichon begins with “The Legend of Scota and Gaythelos.” The legend claims that Scota was daughter to the pharaoh who pursued the Children of Israel out of Egypt on their Exodus to the Promised Land. Gaythelos, an exiled prince of Greece, was Scota’s husband.

While historians argue that it was politically useful for royal families to invent fanciful lineages of great antiquity, could it be that the legend is more fact than fancy? Hmmm…! So what use were they? Life saver. Readers who have stayed on board with the spirit of my recent postings concerning maritime messages encoded in virtual disasters - Astral, the Red Sea of Pennan and, very relevantly as will transpire, the ancient burial cairn trail of The Spinningdale - will no doubt be stricken by this tale of yet another "heaven sent" nautical nod towards our captivating future.This time we travel to the East Lothian coastal village of Dunbar, to hear the sorry story of local Royal National Lifeboat Institution craft,the Sir Ronald Pechell, the boat tearing free of her home-base mooring during a ferocious storm before smashing against rocks at nearby nuclear Torness, the unmanned vessel receiving significant stuctural damage.

The incident took place, according to the BBC website, at "about 2250" on 21st March, close enough(bearing in mind my previous postings) to a symbolic eleven minutes to eleven to excite my curiosity; and hopefully yours. A high rock or pile of rocks on the top of a hill. Cheers. Symbolism. Symbolism (arts) Distinct from, but related to, the style of literature, symbolism of art is related to the gothic component of Romanticism. The term "symbolism" is derived from the word "symbol" which derives from the Latin symbolum, a symbol of faith, and symbolus, a sign of recognition, in turn from classical Greek συμβόλον symbolon, an object cut in half constituting a sign of recognition when the carriers were able to reassemble the two halves.

In ancient Greece, the symbolon, was a shard of pottery which was inscribed and then broken into two pieces which were given to the ambassadors from two allied city states as a record of the alliance. The symbolist poets have a more complex relationship with Parnassianism, a French literary style that immediately preceded it. While being influenced by hermeticism, allowing freer versification, and rejecting Parnassian clarity and objectivity, it retained Parnassianism's love of word play and concern for the musical qualities of verse. THE MARKS OF ATON - Secret Society Symbolism in Plain View - The Cult of Aton and the Dark Side of the Michael Tsarion...

APPENDIX XIV - Minerva and Her Symbolism... It is suggestive that the Illuminati employed the term "Minerval" for one of their introductory stages of initiation. The term apparently denotes the Roman goddess Minerva. She was connected to intelligence and warfare. She was probably revered by the Illuminati because of her connection to Prometheus who, with the goddess's assistance, stole fire (knowledge) from the gods of Olympus so that men on earth could rise above a primitive level and eventually match the gods in power and ability.

Dividing schools of mystery according to a threefold schemata was once the habit of the Irish Druids. This is significant since Minerva had undoubtedly been based on the ancient Irish goddess Brigid. We might note the suggestive fact that the final initiatory stage of the final grade was named "Rex," which means "King. " The Illuminati were officially supposed to be anti-monarchy. Incidentally, thirteen objects of regalia were involved during the Queen's coronation. Who Was Minerva? Minerva's Birth. Geomantic Information Systems; The Geomancy of the World and beyond. The Council of the European Union goes for the All Seeing Eye Logo. The Enterprise Mission - Millenium. The "Age of Horus" Dawns Or The Time is Now ... ... Because it's Later Than You Think The world has watched and waited as the unfolding electoral chaos in Florida has gripped us now for weeks. As might be expected, we at Enterprise have a "slightly different take" on what's currently occurring than most other political observers.

In fact, if we are right -- based on almost three years of astonishing historical research initiated by Enterprise Principal Investigator Richard C. At last tally, there have been three full or partial recounts of some counties in Florida (with more recounts in progress as we write). Yet, despite this seemingly self-evident reality, Democrat Al Gore, the current Vice-President of the United States, has been perceived by many as willing to pursue any and all legal options to rescind this incredibly narrow margin of victory for Bush. The answer, strangely enough, lies not in present day America but in the vast ancient sands of post-diluvial Egypt and Sumer. The Kentroversy Papers. After JFK promised to end the Viet Nam war, smash the CIA into a thousand pieces, and signed a Presidential Executive Order authorizing the U.S.

Congress to begin producing their own Silver Certificates called 'United States Notes,' he quickly found himself TARGETED by the criminal elite, one of which included CIA operative George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush was photographed outside of the Texas Schoolbook Depository during he moments of the assassination itself. He would later LIE about many aspects of his personal involvement in the assassination plan, however.

DEALEY PLAZA: ESOTERIC FREEMASONIC SYMBOLISM IN THE DEATH OF JFK© 2006-2007 Kent Daniel Bentkowski“To really do good research, you need to specialize! Pick out one or two JFK subjects that really interest you, and then research the hell out of them.” --- Penn Jones, Jr. to JFK photographic expert Jack White, from ‘Assassination Science,’ pg. 211The quote above states a fundamental fact concerning academic research. George P. Orders, Decorations and Medals Website. Slaughter: Horror at Sony's depraved promotion stunt with decapitated goat. By GLEN OWEN and RHODRI PHILLIPS Last updated at 17:43 01 May 2007 Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game.

The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company’s PlayStation 2 console. Scroll down for more Guests at the event were even invited to reach inside the goat’s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach. Sickening images of the party have appeared in the company’s official PlayStation magazine – but after being contacted by The Mail on Sunday, Sony issued an apology for the gruesome stunt and promised to recall the entire print run. At the event, guests competed to see who could eat the most offal – procured elsewhere and intended to resemble the goat’s intestines – from its stomach.

But the magazine’s readers were shown the picture in its full horror. The Kentroversy Papers.