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Journal of Buddhist Ethics. The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics.

Journal of Buddhist Ethics

We promote the study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research and book reviews and by hosting occasional online conferences. Our subject matter includes: Vinaya and JurisprudenceMedical EthicsPhilosophical EthicsHuman RightsEthics and PsychologyEcology and the EnvironmentSocial and Political PhilosophyCross-cultural EthicsEthics and AnthropologyInterfaith Dialogue on Ethics. Buddhist Documentaries. Reincarnation is an interesting topic in the west in that it’s often not really covered, going against most western beliefs.

Buddhist Documentaries

For many who are new to Buddhism or even those who have been exploring it for many years, reinarnation is a topic that isn’t always easy to understand. I found some interesting documentaries that others might find interesting, who are “poking” around in this topic View on Reincarnation Historically This documentary covers where reincarnation sits historically in cultures, which surprisingly converged with the Greek philosophers like Socrates, Pythogoreas and Aristotle.

Siddhartha's Intent.