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10 Things to Write in a Letter to Your Daughter. Listen to this, dads.

10 Things to Write in a Letter to Your Daughter

Our daughters will keep notes and cards for decades, and she treasures pictures with her friends. For her next birthday, tap into this phenomenon by writing her an extended letter. Take a few moments and jot down funny things you’d like to share with her, reasons you’re proud of her and, most importantly, why you love her. She may act a little puzzled at your letter-gift—and you don’t want to make it your ONLY present—but THIS gift will last a lifetime. 10 Sacrifices A Good Father Makes For His Child. One working definition of sacrifice is this:sacrifice is giving up something temporarily good for something eternally better.

10 Sacrifices A Good Father Makes For His Child

There are many brief, good things in your life: watching football, shooting a round of golf, hunting, fishing, exercise, etc. But all of them are far inferior to spending time with your children. Going in the backyard and tossing a ball with your child, going out for ice cream or playing a board game with your kids should always trump the time spent on the trivial. Family life. All Pro Dad.