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Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Tutorial - How To Draw Hair 3 by DarlingMionette on DeviantArt. How to Draw Hair | Define. The Ribbon Technique Fig.1 - This is an example of a single, Large Ribbon. You’ve probably already constructed your base sketch using these giant clumps of hair to sculpt its general shape. The next step is to begin dividing those Large Ribbons off into Medium Ribbons to further refine the hair style and increase detail. Fig.2 - The same Large Ribbon except this time it’s been broken off into two Medium Ribbons (effectively creating three new Ribbons). Notice though how the Medium Ribbons still abide to the direction that the Large Ribbon is travelling in. Acting as the governing parent, this Large Ribbon determines the flow and direction of all other Ribbons that split away from it.

Fig.3 - Finally, detail is further increased by breaking off the Medium Ribbons into even Smaller Ribbons. Hair Ribbons can be divided up as much or as little as you like, depending on the level of detail. How to Draw Hair | Sketch. We already know that for some, hair can be messy, random, erratic, and a complicated nightmare to tackle. Luckily for you it won’t be, because by the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a neat set of tricks up your sleeve that’ll make the entire hair drawing experience a whole lot smoother. So why is hair such a struggle to draw anyway? The problem lies in the back to front way we tend to go about it. If you didn’t know any better, you might’ve attempted to define each strand of hair first, while at the same time tried shaping it into the desired style. If you’ve ever gone down that road you probably already know where it leads - to an unnatural looking bird’s nest of tangled wire.

I’m here to tell you that there is a much, much easier, simple and less headachey route available for us to take here. It’s as simple as flipping that work flow around so that the overall mass of hair is drawn in first, while the smaller details are added in later on. Let’s begin sketching in the hair. How to Draw Hair | Hairlines.

Before we get into the good stuff first thing is first. You’re going to want to define the hairline of your comic book character. You can think of the hairline as a barrier that outlines the area of turf your hair grows out from (the scalp). The hairline serves as a guide that’ll define what I like to refer to as the ‘Hair Zone’. The hairline is drawn in halfway between the brow line and the top of the head. Where you place the hairline can vary slightly due to different hairline types, hair loss and in some cases genders (sometimes women are drawn with a slightly ‘higher hairline'). Now that you know ‘Where’ to draw the hairline, let’s talk about ‘How’ to draw it.

This is going to vary from character to character but there are really only three main types of hairlines to keep in mind - the ‘Flat Hairline’, ‘The Widows Peak Hairline’ and ‘The Receding Hairline’. How to Draw Hair: Hairlines The Flat Hairline runs ‘straight’ across the forehead, then downward to the ears at either side. Les Cheveux. Tutoriel dessin n° 9 : Les différents coupes de cheveux ~Femme~ - Blog de Les-tutos-de-nono. L'emplacement des cheveux - Apprendre la bande dessinée et le manga! L’emplacement des cheveux Niveau : 2/5 Ce tutoriel a pour but de vous enseigner où placer les cheveux sur la tête, afin de leur donner un effet naturel.

Lorsque l'on dessine des cheveux, il faut tout d'abord prendre en compte le fait qu'il y a un crâne sous ces cheveux. Cela évitera de trop les incurver, donnant l'impression que le crâne est plat. Il faut donc dessiner les cheveux par-dessus le crâne déjà esquissé. La ligne d’implatation des cheveux se situe à environ ¼ de la hauteur totale du visage. On dessine les cheveux en prenant en compte le volume du crâne. Le volume propre des cheveux est également à prendre en compte. De profil, cette ligne d’implantation se continue derrière les oreilles et sur la nuque. De même que pour le dessin de face, la racine des cheveux est sur cette ligne. Les cheveux descendent donc derrière les oreilles. Ce n’est pas grand-chose à faire, c’est facile, et ça fait toute la différence ! Tuto by ellia. Dessiner les cheveux - Apprendre la bande dessinée et le manga!