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Global Studies Programme — Globalstudies. IBS - Master für Europäische und Internationale Studien. Anbieter Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE) / Institut Européen des Hautes Études Internationales (IEHEI) Programmziele Vorbereitung auf eine berufliche Tätigkeit in europäischen und internationalen Institutionen und Organisationen; Spezialisierung in Europastudien und internationalen Beziehungen; thematische Schwerpunkte: Europäische Integration, Internationale Beziehungen, Wirtschaft und Globalisierung, Föderalismus und Governance; interkultureller Austausch (pro Studienjahr ca. 30 Teilnehmer aus verschiedenenLändern) Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Hochschulabsolventen und junge Berufstätige aller Nationalitäten; dreisprachiger Studiengang: gute Französisch-,Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens eine der drei Sprachen muss aktiv beherrscht werden) Zielländer Frankreich (Nizza), Deutschland (Berlin und Rostock); Italien(Rom) Ablauf Finanzierung Studiengebühren: € 8.000; maximaler Gebührenerlass von € 5.500; Stipendien zur anteiligen Deckung der Lebenshaltungskosten, Eigenmittel.

Research Master European Studies. The Research Master European Studies is a two-year interdisciplinary programme, offered in English, leading to a Master of Science degree. The programme’s focus is on doing research into the politics and policies of the European Union and into the wider historical and international contexts of the process of European integration. It is an interdisciplinary programme combining political science and the study of international relations with history and the cultural sciences. The overall objective of the programme is to equip future PhD students and analysts with a broad range of scientific methods and theoretical approaches relevant to the analysis of European phenomena.

The programme operates in close cooperation with other universities, with European Union institutions, other Brussels-based actors and with the national administrations of the European Union member states. For more information (in Dutch) click here. Masterstudiengang European Studies • Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät • Europa-Universität Viadrina / EUV. European Studies Kooperationen in Praxis und Forschung Master of Arts in European Studies Das MES-Team heißt Sie auf der Seite des Master of European Studies herzlich willkommen! Kontakt Masterstudiengang European Studies KoordinatorJulian IrlenkäuserKontakt und Sprechstunden SekretariatMady GittnerKontakt und Sprechstunden SitzLogenhausLogenstr. 11-121. Lageplan Postanschrift Postfach 178615207 Frankfurt (Oder) Links.

European Studies. The Master of Arts in European Studies focuses on the international dimensions of policy, governance and administration. The programme looks beyond the institutions of the European Union and the mechanics of European integration to examine global developments and multi-level governance in a broader context. The programme employs an interdisciplinary approach, combining political science, history, international relations, economics and cultural studies. The focus is on the underlying issues of power and influence, governance and culture. This one-year programme is offered in English. The programme offers three specialisations: The faculty has a permanent research programme centred around administrative governance and the role of the EU in the world.

Scholarship We offer a UM High Potential Scholarship for non-EU/EEA students. Watch this interview with the former Programme Director of the MA European Studies, Dr. Master Affaires Européennes. Objectifs du programme Le master Affaires européennes de Sciences Po a pour ambition d'offrir une formation complète aux étudiants souhaitant s'orienter vers les carrières européennes, aussi bien dans le secteur public européen et national que dans le secteur privé. Son objectif est de former des spécialistes des questions européennes, s'adaptant aisément dans un environnement multiculturel et pluridisciplinaire.

Le master réunit des étudiants venant de plus de 37 pays et un corps enseignant tout aussi multiculturel, composé d'universitaires, de chercheurs, de fonctionnaires européens et nationaux ainsi que de professionnels de premier plan de la «galaxie» européenne. Lors de leur inscription les étudiants peuvent suivre au choix le cursus général bilingue, l'English Track ou un double diplôme. Grandes orientations et spécificités La formation, intensive et de haut niveau, se déroule en deux ans. Le troisième et dernier semestre d'enseignement est celui de la spécialisation. MASTER in European and International Studies - EUROPEAN INSTITUTE. College of Europe - Master's in European Studies in Bruges and Natolin (Warsaw) European Public Affairs. The Master’s degree in European Public Affairs (MA EPA) – established in 1999 – comprises of a one-year academic programme that is oriented towards the professional practice of public affairs in the European Union (EU).

The MA EPA defines public affairs as the process of developing and influencing public – European Union – policy. Public affairs is a field closely related to public policy and public administration, and the programme aims to prepare students for a career in European or EU-related public affairs and public service. The advanced level of knowledge and skills that a European public affairs professional requires is highly dependent on a solid level of understanding of the relevant academic concepts, theories and research methods. The public affairs profession requires academics who know how to analyse, critically evaluate and research EU policy problems. The MA EPA is unique in its practice-oriented approach. The programme: MA EPA graduates are academic professionals who:

Europa-Universität Viadrina: Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)