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HOW TO: Customize Your Background for the New Twitter. Last month, Twitter unveiled a total site redesign. The new Twitter homepage is robust, more like a stand-alone application, and offers support for multimedia, keyboard shortcuts, and easy access to various types of content. The new design also has different dimensions (originally based on the golden ratio) and treats backgrounds in a slightly different way. The result is that a carefully customized Twitter background that looked fantastic on the old Twitter, may not work so well with the new design.

In many cases, the best solution is to create a new color scheme or background design to fit into the new parameters.As more and more users are gaining access to the new Twitter, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the area of Twitter customizations. Fortunately, Twitter now offers some fantastic theming tools to make the process less of a chore, and we've created some Photoshop (PSD) files mapped to the dimensions of the new Twitter to help give you a head start. Plan Your Layout. Why Twitter Is Bigger Than You Think. Top Twitter Blog Marketing Tips. How To Use Twitter For Business and Get More Followers. A Starter's Guide to Increasing Brand Visibility on Twitter. This is a guest post written by Leonard Widrich. Leo is the co-founder of , a Twitter application that helps to annoy followers less with a new way to schedule tweets. He publishes Twitter tips at every week, and you can connect with him @ leowid on Twitter.

When I first came on to Twitter , it felt like stepping onto a highway. Tweets were rushing by before, behind, and on top of me so fast, it made me dizzy looking at the stream. Getting a hold of anyone felt impossible, as everyone was already engaged with each other. Why would they ever make an effort to notice me when these streams are already so super busy? I'd imagine that if you're new to Twitter, this situation might seem familiar, so here are 5 helpful tips you can use to create more initial visibility for your business on Twitter. 1) Promote Others Yes, at first, this must sound quite contradictory. 2) Participate in Twitter Chats 3) Provide Personalized, Quality Content. 50 Cool Twitter Tools for Tweet Tracking | SysComm International. How to Build Your Twitter Tribe. Do you want to build a loyal and engaged Twitter following (a tribe if you will)? If so, this article is for you. It will show you how to find people and what to do to engage them.

Find the right people—build the right community This is a tricky headline. As if there’s something like the “right” community waiting for you out there. Yet focusing firmly on the people you want to interact with will pay off greatly. A fundamental question when creating your own tribe is to ask yourself, “Whom can I help on Twitter?” That’s right, instead of saying “Who could help me?” You’ll be amazed how this will boost your influence on Twitter. Where to find the right people Over the course of Twitter’s 5 years of existence, many very helpful directories have been created. A very detailed one is TweetDeck’s Directory of Twitter users, where you can easily navigate through your fields of interest and pick those you want to connect with. TweetDeck Directory: Think of it as a TV Guide for Twitter channels. 500+ Twitter Tips & Tricks.

For Bloggers, Now May Be the Time to Start Tweeting. To tweet or not to tweet has been a question bloggers have had to ask themselves pretty much since the dawn of Twitter. The main question is whether or not the time, effort and energy spent on creating and nurturing a Twitter profile is justified by the benefit one gets out of it. It’s always been a tough question and one where the answer heavily depends on the blogger, their niche and their audience. Howver, with an update to Google’s “Social Search” feature today, Twitter just received a potential boost in terms of its usefulness. Now Twitter can not only be a way to communicate with your friends, family and readers, but now it might also directly impact your site’s position in Google itself. Perhaps most interesting of all though is that, at this time, Facebook “likes” are not having the same impact as Twitter, meaning that, for the moment at least, Twitter is the only social network that can directly affect your Google ranking, other than Google’s built-in network.

How it Works. Should You Be on Twitter? How To Maximize The Hits You Get From Twitter — ABDPBT Personal Finance. I’ve had a Twitter landing page for ABDPBT for a while, but it is in desperate need of an update, so I thought I’d use the sneeze pages I recently created to make a more complete and updated Twitter landing page for ABDPBT. The purpose of any landing page is to guide new visitors to your blog to your best content so that they are more likely to return. A Twitter landing page is just a landing page that is specifically geared towards the visitors that come to your blog from Twitter; if you are an active Twitter user and you check your stats regularly, you’ve likely noticed that a large portion of your referrals from outside sites come from Twitter.

While any page can potentially serve as a landing page, the number of hits you likely already get from Twitter is a good enough reason to make a page that is specifically geared towards the readers coming from there. 1. Of sorts with content specifically chosen for your Twitter users. 2. 3. 4. HOW TO: Gain Twitter Influence. The Digital Influencers Series is supported by Waggener Edstrom Worldwide (WE). To learn how to measure influence, visit Guy Kawasaki and Robert Scoble have vastly different philosophies when it comes to gathering Twitter followers.

Kawasaki puts his bluntly: “My strategy is that Twitter is a marketing broadcast platform, and so the way it gets to be the best platform you could have is to have as many different followers as possible, which to put it mildly, is radically different from most people — who believe they should have a Kumbaya soulful experience with every follower.” Scoble, on the other hand, is more of a quality over quantity kind of guy: “Caring about number of followers is going to take you down a path that’s not very satisfying…Even if you get the numbers, if you’re surrounded by a million [jerks], is that as much fun as being surrounded by a thousand brilliant, fun, great people?” 1. Aim for a Reasonable Goal 2. 3. 4. 5.