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Always Chrysti - Always Chrysti - 100+ Ways to Creatively Reuse Old Magazines. Screenprinting on fabric made easy (really!) What Can You Make From Magazines, Junk Mail & Newspapers? How to Make Beautiful Beads From Recycled Newspaper. I love finding ways to turn everyday common items, which would otherwise go into the garbage, into beautiful items that everyone can enjoy!

So… when I came across a gal who was making beautiful beads from recycled newspaper, I had to share the idea with you! When I saw Helen’s beautiful beads, I asked her if she would mind sharing how she made them. After hearing from her, I realized that the methods used for these beads, were the exact same methods that I have used for several different projects including; costumes, handcrafted paper, and sculpted home decor items. I think what I love about her beads though… is the natural earthy look that they have. Please click on the pictures & visit Helen at her Flickr space! What better way to pamper yourself than to make something so beautiful that costs nearly NOTHING!

Perhaps you could also earn some extra money by making a nice little business out of your beautiful new creations! Step #2 – Rip the paper into small pieces How about… Guest post | Art with Kids. Vicki Smith has created unique pastel illustrations for a wide variety of clients in the publishing and corporate arena including posters, menus, book covers, annual reports and magazine art. Her storybook images are used to create the handmade books, toys and prints that she sells online. She finds that her teaching of children informs her own art and her art informs her philosophy of teaching. Today Vicki is discussing how (and why) she teaches art to kids.

She blogs at Art with Kids. As a child I illustrated my first ‘book’ in the fourth grade about a troupe of dancing mice, so it is no wonder that I went off to art school and a career as an illustrator. Making art incorporates principles of math and science, gives children permission to get messy, and teaches the invaluable lesson that you should make your own choices as opposed to merely copying what “Susie” is painting at the easel next to you.

Tagged as: art with kids, crafting with kids, kids craft. Unique Irish Epona Celtic Knot Horse Button by TheIrishLadybug. Sandalwood Meditation Mala - Sage Meditation. The Sandalwood Meditation Mala is made with the traditional 108 beads. Each bead is smooth and knotted onto a golden cord. The beads have a light sandalwood scent. Sandalwood has traditionally been regarded as one of the purest substances and is valued for its cooling properties and its medicinal value, too. It is believed to promote tranquility as an aid to meditation. Specifications Neck Mala108 Ebony Wood Beads + the Buddha or Guru BeadEach bead is approximately 5/16-inch (8mm) in diameterLength: 15-3/8 inches (41.5cm)Wrist Mala 27 beads + the Buddha or Guru BeadBead size is 5/16-inch (8mm) in diameterLength: 8 inches (20.3cm)Elastic cord fits any size wrist Availability Usually ships out in 1 to 2 business days Additional Image Size Representation.

How to Make a Tree of Life Pendant Tutorial. How To Make a Tree Of Life Pendant | Wire Wrapping.