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How to become an entrepreneur. 918 shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter You don’t need qualifications, money, a planet-sized-brain or even a particularly good idea. All an entrepreneur ever does is create something that consistently makes money. Think of a company as a machine you design and build. Here’s McDonalds: Your ‘machine’ always has certain parts. It sells something to someone, and re-invests some of that to help make more sales in future. What’s left over is profit for the owners. If you can design, build, own and care for such a machine, you can become very rich indeed. Let’s talk about you Are you young, poor, unqualified – a student, or hating your job? Older, wiser, bit of money saved, experienced with a stable job? The most important qualities of a good entrepreneur are energy and determination. Enough preamble. The idea Please forget all of the terrible deluded nonsense you’ve heard about the value of ideas.

You do need an idea of course. Original ideas are overrated. Starting Extracting yourself Scale. How to succeed when you have no special skills. 2.7k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter We’re forever being sold a lie on how to prosper in life: discover what you’re best at, work hard at it, swim in an ocean of riches and happiness. That works brilliantly if you were born the best at something, but for everyone else, it’s kinda soul-crushing. What if you don’t have any world class skills? What if you’re just ok at lots of things? The good news is, nearly everybody is like this, and that includes ultra-successful megastars.

Very few successful people are actually the best at something. Bill Gates is not the best programmer in the world, nor is he the world’s greatest speaker, salesperson, visionary or accountant. Will Smith doesn’t claim to be the world’s greatest actor or musician. Most such people would have made a terrible mistake had they solely focussed on the one skill they were ‘best’ at. Even when your skills are mediocre, an astute combination of mediocrity can turn you into something priceless. Keep reading Comments. Save me (Magnolia ending) Magnolia Regret Scene. Felix Baumgartner: GoPro-Video vom Rekord-Sprung - News. Im rund acht Minuten langen Clip sehen Sie einen eindrucksvollen Zusammenschnitt der Bilder, die von den fünf am Körper Baumgartners befestigten Kameras gemacht wurden. Dazu können Sie "live" miterleben, wie die Kommunikation zwischen der Kommandozentrale am Boden und Felix Baumgartner von statten ging.

Ursprüngliche Meldung: Felix Baumgartner ist wohl behalten wieder auf der Erde zurück. Der Österreicher schaffte den Rekordsprung aus rund 39 Kilometer Höhe. Rund zweieinhalb Stunden war seine Kapsel von einem riesigen Helium-Ballon in die Höhe gezogen worden, bevor sie schließlich die Stratosphäre erreichte. Der Weg nach unten ging dann etwas schneller vonstatten: Im freien Fall erreichte Felix Baumgartner eine Geschwindigkeit von 1342,8 Stundenkilometern – die höchste Geschwindigkeit, mit der sich jemals ein Mensch ohne technische Hilfsmittel fortbewegt hat.

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