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Social Media in Education

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Twitter Hashtags In The Classroom. Cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by danielmoyle For the last couple of years that I have been on Twitter, I have seen the value of using a hashtag to connect and share ideas between educators all around the world.

Twitter Hashtags In The Classroom

This shared learning has made my Twitter stream a lot easier to filter so I can find stuff that is more applicable to some of the work I am doing. I am never limited to that “stream”, but it is something that I go to often. For administrators, I have used #cpchat to share and find learning shared by and for school and division administrators. For our own school division, the hashtag #psd70 has been a great way to share articles amongst our own school division, while also connecting an area that is pretty large geographically. What’s Working With Social Media In Higher Education?

Bildung mit Facebook. Soziale Medien wie Facebook, Blogs, Wikis, u.ä.m. unterstützen, fördern und erleichtern die Kommunikation und den Austausch von Informationen untereinander. Sie erleben einen weltweiten Boom und sind wichtiger Bestandteil im Leben vieler - v.a. junger - Leute. "Gefällt mir! " Über 800 Mio. UserInnen "gefällt" Facebook neuesten Medienberichten zufolge. Unterschiedliche Angaben deuten darauf hin, dass die Schwelle von einer Milliarde bald erreicht werden soll. Pros and cons of social media in education.

A blog documenting my learning, as an educator, a leader in education, a mother, and an amateur photographer.