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Is Diastasis Recti Preventable? – RYC. There is a lot of information out there concerning diastasis recti and whether or not it is “fixable” injury or preventable like in illness. The answers to these questions can be quite overwhelmingly different depending on who you ask. In this article I hope to answer your most pressing questions.

Diastasis recti is usually not a permanent condition and can often be healed through strategic core rehab. It does take time and it will require hard work and dedication on your end, but it is usually possible to close the gap. Your gap may not close all the way. Diastasis recti is still being researched, however, recent studies have shown that the focus for diastasis healing should revolve around restoring core function rather than closing the gap entirely. Preventing a diastasis is approached in a similar way, but it is not guaranteed to prevent one from occurring. Testing for Diastasis Recti Lie on your back in a comfortable position.

How Diastasis Recti Develops Exercises & Good Practices 1.