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The super fast color palettes generator! Gallery - dark4. Gallery - dark4. Salpicaduras de pintura en alta resolución (High Resolution Paint Splashes. Descargar Coloridos Splash Resumen de diseño vectorial libre Resumen de vectores - vectores gratis.


Plantillas y vectores. Acciones. 30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling. The parallax effect has been around for years in classic video games, but it became a trend in the web design world relatively recently. This cool effect is now commonly seen as part of the scrolling feature of a web page. It uses multiple backgrounds which seem to move at different speeds to create a sensation of depth (creating a faux-3D effect) and an interesting browsing experience.

The term is derived from the Greek ?????????? (parallaxis), meaning "alteration". Nearby objects have a larger parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions, so parallax scrolling can be used to determine distances. We have compiled 30 of the best amazing examples of websites that use the scrolling parallax effect. Updated 10/06/2013: You've got 20 new recent examples in 20 Best Websites with Parallax Scrolling of 2013 Go to website. Fondos de madera curvada para descargar. Hexagon Bokeh Effect in Photoshop. In 2008 I came up with a technique using the Brush Tool in Photoshop to create a digital bokeh effect. Then I mixed it with some gradient colors blended all together. The effect has become quite popular so I decided to upgrade a little bit the effect. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a digital bokeh effect with hexagons. We will use the brush engine, patterns, blend modes and basic filters to achieve this effect.

Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new document, I'm using 2560x1440 pixels so I can use it as wallpaper. Fill the background layer with a very dark grey (#181818). Step 2 Add another layer and fill it with a gradient using dark yellow, red and blue for the colors. Step 3 Add a new layer and go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Step 4 Now let's create a hexagon shape to use as brush. To create the brush just select the hexagon by holding Command(mac)/Control(pc) and clicking on the thumb of the layer, then go to Edit>Define Brush. Step 5 Go to Windown>Brushes. Step 6 Step 7. Lumi - Your wardrobe is a blank canvas.