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How to Stop Running Late: 11 Steps (with Pictures. Edit Article Everybody is late for something at one time or another.

How to Stop Running Late: 11 Steps (with Pictures

Cars break down or become stuck in traffic, oversleeping happens unexpectedly, a child throws up and needs medical attention or you get held up collecting your dry cleaning. Yet, for some people running late isn't an occasional occurrence precipitated by an event mostly or completely out of their control. For some people, being late is a way of defining themselves and a way of life. The problem is that this way of living and being is viewed upon with great suspicion in a society where promptness reveals your level of dedication and enthusiasm to relationships, work, studies and more.

If chronic tardiness has taken sway over your life and has turned into a defining trait of who you are, it's likely that you're losing out on job offers, great opportunities, friendships, and more, all because you're allowing tardiness to rule your life. This article is for people who are chronically late. Ad Steps Can you tell us about Gmail? Never Mind the Manager. How to Be Punctual: 16 steps. Edit Article Edited by Summer Breeze, Ben Rubenstein, Jack Herrick, Krystle and 45 others If you're battling lateness, there is hope.

How to Be Punctual: 16 steps

According to the experts, you can avoid procrastination and tardiness by changing your habits and tweaking your routines. Here are some things you can do to turn lateness into punctuality. If this doesn't work, or you are helplessly late all the time, try addressing the deeper issues by reading How to Stop Running Late.

Ad Steps 1Acknowledge that you are a person who is having a hard time being punctual. 15Make appointments at exact, perhaps seemingly overprecise times. Tips Old military adage: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're 10 minutes late! Warnings Don’t fool yourself into thinking nobody notices the latecomer. The Concept of Getting to Work On Time. Work Ethics - Getting To Work On Time. Always Late for Work?: Tips on Getting to Work On Time. The perpetually-late are often misunderstood.

Always Late for Work?: Tips on Getting to Work On Time

It’s not enough to simply wake up earlier or organize the morning—always-tardy people go into a sort of time warp when it comes to being on time. Because of this, advice from the on-timers simply doesn’t work. Here are some non-traditional suggestions: 1. Change your mind-set. 2. 3. 4. Showing a willingness to work on the problem and compensate in other ways will make managers and co-workers patient. 3 Tips For Getting to Work On Time Every Time. Constantly arriving late at work is a great way to get yourself fired.

3 Tips For Getting to Work On Time Every Time

Even if you are a wonderful employee in every other way, being persistently tardy is an inexcusable offense that can irritate even the most understanding of bosses. When you are consistently late, people often interpret that as a lack of respect for them and the job that you are doing. If you’re having trouble getting to the office on time, here are some tips that may help you eliminate your perpetual lateness. 1. Simply Wake Up Earlier For some people, merely waking up earlier will solve the problem. If you accidentally fall asleep after you’ve turned your alarm clock off, consider having two alarm clocks.