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How to Keep A Sketchbook - Ideas for Getting Your Sketchbook Started. Sketchbook Ideas - Sketchbook Drawing Ideas. Weekend Reading for Moleskine Lovers. Drawing Projects. Drawing Projects and Sketching Ideas. Learn to Draw. Learn how to draw what you see, with these step by step beginner drawing lessons. Discover essential drawing skills from how to hold a pencil through to perspective, pencil shading, and sketching. Progress into portraiture and figure drawing. Learn About Drawing Mediums You can start learning how to draw with just some scrap paper and a number two pencil.

It really is that simple. Getting Started - First Drawing Lessons These drawing exercises take you through exploring your medium, learning how to follow lines in space, follow contours and explore three-dimensional form. Structure and Perspective To learn how to draw a realistic object, you first have to learn to see and understand structure and perspective. Value / Tone and Shading Learning to use value (also called tone, or tonal value) - light and shade - in your drawing - requires a slightly different approach to contour drawing.

Sketching Keeping a sketchbook is considered essential by most artists, for many reasons. Figure Drawing. ’ - Moleskine Art.