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Portail mondial des revues - SISMO/INHA.

Vous trouverez ici un recensement de plus de 1000 périodiques critiques et culturels non-européens ou produits en situations diasporiques, réalisés suite aux courants révolutionnaires de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et jusqu'à la fin du monde des deux blocs en 1989. Parmi les revues numérisées on peut citer : -17 revues arabes publiées entre 1876 et 1983 dont La nation arabe, Hiwar, al-Muqtabas, al-Ghadd, Souffles, al-Manar, Le désir libertaire... - 4 revues palestiniennes de la diaspora publiées entre 1896 à nos jours - des revues kurdes, berbères - un article sur Huda Shaarawi et la revue l'Egyptienne Recherche par titre, auteur, par collection, par géo-localisation (carte des revues), langues – bimaparis

Archival records from Preservation of historical periodical collections (1900-1950) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem (EAP119) By using this site, you agree we can set and use cookies.

Archival records from Preservation of historical periodical collections (1900-1950) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem (EAP119)

OK For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, see our cookie policy. Search form Archival records from Preservation of historical periodical collections (1900-1950) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem (EAP119) Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR) Alain Gresh. Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera. شبكة الإنترنت للإعلام العربي - أمين. Jara'id: A Chronology Of Arabic Periodicals (1800-1929) Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. - Dialogue with the Islamic World. Jadaliyya. أرشيف المجلات. ZMO - Jara'id - Chronology of Arabic Periodicals. Open Access resource: Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine. Archives de la presse égyptienne : cedej.bibalex. CEDEJ and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina are honored to present 40 years of political, cultural and economic aspects in the discourse of modern Egyptian history, spanning the time between the mid 1970’s until 2010.

Archives de la presse égyptienne : cedej.bibalex

This exceptional endeavor has seen the light owing to the fruitful cooperation between both institutions. Since 1976, CEDEJ had formed a documentary wealth of 800,000 articles taken from 24 daily and weekly Egyptian and Arab paper journals and 11 digital ones. Pressealgerie fr.