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Gamification Articles

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Gamification in Enterprise Technology. The Future Of Work Is Play. Humans love games.

The Future Of Work Is Play

Just check the current news cycle for evidence: The Xbox 360’s sleek, new controller-free gaming device, Kinect, is the fastest-selling consumer electronic product ever. Gamification and Increased Productivity. Bio Byron Reeves Byron Reeves is the Paul C.

Gamification and Increased Productivity

Edwards Professor in Stanford University's Department of Communication, and is Faculty Director of the Stanford Media X Program that organizes research and relationships between industry and Stanford IT researchers. 50 percent of companies will embrace gamification. If there’s any evidence that gamification has hit its hype peak, this is it.

50 percent of companies will embrace gamification

Gartner says that by 2015, more than 50 percent of companies that manage innovation will gamify that process. Does gamification create real business value? Part 2. 7 CRM Gamification Strategies. Salespeople like to feel powerful.

7 CRM Gamification Strategies

People crave feedback, and giving it to them has an interesting side effect: They feel more powerful and in control, and that makes whatever they’re doing “sticky,” meaning they want to do it for longer periods and with greater frequency. Why is that concept important for CRM? Because, thanks to a practice known as “gamification,” you can design CRM systems that appeal to people’s craving for feedback and rewards, and deliver a powerful sales performance enhancer. By 2014, Gartner estimates that 70% of large businesses will use gamification to enhance at least one of their business processes. The underlying principlepsychologists call it affect motivationgoes for babies making low-hanging mobiles dance or Angry Birds addicts powering their way through 50 levels in one sitting. But here’s the challenge: to keep CRM sticky, you’ll have to constantly raise the bar on the accomplishments to be achieved. Gamification Improves Sales Performance.

S Musings, Merit Badges: How Salesforce Motivates a Workforce. Merit Badges: How Salesforce Motivates a Workforce.

s Musings, Merit Badges: How Salesforce Motivates a Workforce

Gamification, Virtual Worlds. Playing with the Definition of “Game Thinking” for Instructional Designers Soon I will be presenting at the ASTD International Conference in Washington, DC.

Gamification, Virtual Worlds

My title for the presentation is Three Mysterious Keys to Interactive Learning: Game-Thinking, Game-Elements, and Gamification. What is the role of gamification. Total Engagement. Although published late last year, this book was recently brought to my attention: Total Engagement: Using Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete by Byron Reeves and J.

Total Engagement

Leighton. The book's site is here, and there are also a number of book excerpts. The Amazon site also has a 'look inside' link. Serious Games have been a long-time interest of mine. Have been reading Total Engagement for several days now in a borrowed North Georgia mountain cabin. Share Your Awards and Achievements (Online and Off) with (currently in beta) aims to be the “meta” award site.

Share Your Awards and Achievements (Online and Off) with

It connects to your other social network and award sites – such as the typical Facebook and Twitter but also Netflix, GetGlue, Xbox Live, Kiva, etc – and maintains a centralized location of awards for you to keep track of. Basically it gives you a centralized location to view your collective awards or to ‘brag’ about them via a profile or shout, should you choose to do so. Let’s go over the features of below to see if it is worth your time to sign up and connect your accounts.

Connecting Your Accounts Upon signing up for, you are prompted to begin connecting your accounts to the site. It connects using the APIs of various services which is the perfect way to bring in your information. Getting Badges. 5 Predictions for Game Mechanics in 2011. Gabe Zichermann is the author of the critically acclaimed book Game-Based Marketing (Wiley, 2010), the upcoming Gamification by Design (O’Reilly, 2011) and blogs at

5 Predictions for Game Mechanics in 2011

He’s also the chair of the January Gamification Summit in San Francisco. Why games will take over our lives. Jesse Schell is a game designer and professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

Why games will take over our lives

Game designer Jesse Schell talks about future of gaming Schell says digital games are going to end up everywhere, even in your toothbrush Wi-Fi toothbrush could track how frequently you brush, alerting advertisers and Web Schell says "gamepocalypse," when everything becomes a game, is approaching (CNN) -- If you think an electric toothbrush is high-tech, wait until you hear about the Internet-enabled version. Jesse Schell, a game designer and Carnegie Mellon University professor, says toothbrushes will be hooked-up with Wi-Fi Internet connections within five years. VCs level up with “gamification” investments.

There are a few different ways to measure the power of a meme in the tech industry. You can run powerful sentiment analysis on blog posts and message boards, scour trending topics on Twitter, or just follow the money. Gamification is Everywhere. As a general rule, humans want to interact and compete with others. Defining Gamification. The ten rules of gamification. Gamification may have been the buzzword of 2010, but its influence shows no sign of abating in 2011. It is a term derided by game designers, misunderstood by brands and unknown to consumers. The Art of Turning Work Into Play. Gamification is a hot topic as of late and has seen marketing, education, and non-profit groups adopting the use of gamification concepts at a rapid rate. Why does gamification so often fail? ‘Gamification’ is one of those buzz-terms being bandied around by marketers, keen to jump onto the latest digital bandwagon.

Today, it seems that customer engagement is all about gold stars and virtual badges. But without the journey, these rewards are worthless – like winning a football trophy without playing a game. Core Concepts of Gamification. Outstanding presentation from Amy Jo Kim, an adjunct professor of Game Design at USC’s Digital Media school, recently named top US-based game design school.

She’s also the author of Community Building on the Web (2000), a design handbook for digital communities that’s used worldwide at game studios & universities. [Email Amy]. This presentation was delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2011. Applying The Seven Deadly Sins To Successful Gamification. Published on February 23, 2011 by R "Ray" Wang The Seven Deadly Sins Draws On The Dark Arts Conversations with game designers and gamification experts over the past month highlight how important design should appeal to the human spirit. Intrigue, reward, status, community, and challenge drive 5 key areas of engagement.