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How to Warm Up Your Wrists for Pain-Free Handbalancing. We get a lot of questions from people concerned about wrist pain when getting started with handstands and other gymnastic-type movements.

How to Warm Up Your Wrists for Pain-Free Handbalancing

It’s completely natural that you’d have some discomfort in the beginning. After all, you’re probably not used to supporting your weight on your hands. Beast Skills. Handstandpush-pg2.jpg 729×956 pixels. How to Become a Handstand Beast – A Beginner and Advanced Guide. {*style:<i> Today I have a guest post from Ryan Hurst of Gold Medal Bodies . Ryan got in touch with me a while ago and we naturally clicked by virtue of sharing similar methods and ideas.

Since I always harp on the awesomeness of bodyweight skills, I’ve been wanting to give headway on how to handstand.