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Sketchers (via Urban Sketchers)

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Adebanji Alade. Dan's Canvas. Les dessins de Daniel: Urbain / Urban. Visite d'une coopérative de tissage dirigée par Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez qui tente de préserver les traditions textiles des Andes.

Les dessins de Daniel: Urbain / Urban

Geraldo Roberto da Silva. EDUARDO BAJZEK: Urban Sketches (Sketchbook) Era meu primeiro dia de passeio em Amsterdam.

EDUARDO BAJZEK: Urban Sketches (Sketchbook)

Como acordei cedo decidi seguir andando até o centro da cidade - uma caminhada de cerca de 2km. Logo no início já me encantei com a beleza de cada canal que eu cruzava, e com a arquitetura característica da Holanda - os altos frontões e fachadas estreitas... Quando avistei essa igreja barroca, chamada Westerkerk, decidi fazer meu primeiro sketch do dia. Me chamou a atenção a generosa estatura dessa torre, encimada por uma coroa azul e dourada. Desenho rápido, usando a caneta preta Stabilo. Nessa igreja foi enterrado, como um indigente, um certo senhor chamado Rembrandt.

Enfim, cheguei ao coração da cidade, a praça Dam, onde fica o palácio e a Nieuwe Kerk, retratada em mais um desenho. Sketchbook. Jambo julie's Photostream. Myotherpencil. Some sketches from our jolly in Toronto and Montreal Like this: Like Loading...


DSCF1077 (600 x 472) Cabap's Photostream. Nicola Moir Art. Acuarelas M. Loor. Ea's Artlog. Urban sketches. Place "verte" de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon - France. Penang George Town Sketchwalk (Jul 2012) SANTO DOMINGO INVITA - MARATON DE SKETCHERS EN RD. URBAN SKETCHERS SPAIN - Museo Carmen Thyssen Malaga, Junio 2012. Tiong Bahru Sketchwalk with Liz Steel (22 Dec 2012) Urban Sketchers. Urban Sketchers. Cedharrsketchbook. Passionate sketching everywhere! Archiartist Lee. Tiastudio. Liz and Borromini. The headless man / le blog de Thibault Balahy. Ea's Artlog. Les calepins de lapin. Freekhand. Winter Festivals Celtic connections has been another great way to start the year and ward off the bleak, damp January weather.

A coarse, frank but ever articulate Aidan Moffat warmed up for R M Hubbert at the packed out Mitchell Theatre, a venue which is obviously dated but ageing very well due to some decent joinery. Despite spotting some youngsters and starting with a warning of hard language, the parents of the 11 year old in front of us had to do some fairly constant ear-covering as Aidan Moffat crescendo'd his Glasgow tales with a very filthy tongue indeed. R M Hubbert? Not my cup of tea but a man obviously loved by many and a very talented guitarist indeed. The festival took us next to the Tron theatre, a great venue to see Alastair Roberts who was opened by an unknown Georgia Ruth - a tiny Welsh harpist with a slight frame, delicate voice and wonderful tales evoking the welsh country side. Posted by stupot at 02:19 PM Sunday 2 Feb Recovery buckled blackout. You Lookin' at Me? 1. 2.

Mozilla Firefox. Kunst-by-rob. Rodgeblog. Desenhador do quotidiano. Bonecos de bolso. A janela de Alberti. Desenhos do dia. ADEBANJI ALADE: MY ART, MY PASSION FOR SKETCHING. Hobbs blog. Travels with a Sketchbook in....... Gary amaro art. Harika. Fred Lynch. Drawing Viterbo. Olechko. Rene fijten sketches. Apuntes. Este de arriba es a pachas con Cris.


Creo que ya es hora de ir actualizando.Me he tomado un gran descanso dibujístico.Así que aquí dejo un recopilatorio entre viajes por Europa. Caderno de viagens. RICHARD CÂMARA. Guillaume Bonamy Sketchbook. Jours chômés. Joseph Lapostolle. Julie’s Pictures. Nina Johansson. Antoño. JACOBO PÉREZ-ENCISO. Evgeni Vasiliev illustration. In viaggio col taccuino. Matt Jones. A Love of Drawing. - Journal. Analog Artist Digital World. Shapes and Spaces – The Sketchbook of Kurt D. Hollomon. Salamunic Illustration.

Laurelines. Petescully. Stef's Sketches. SketchBlog. Craftmonkeys. Thanks to everyone who showed up this past Saturday who either bought a painting or just offered support at the Saltaire Art and Music Festival in Fire Island.


I was blown away by the response and delighted to see most of the paintings find new homes. Here are most of the works from the fair, and a few that will be available soon for sale through my Etsy shop. There are also a couple that are still in the works and I will post those soon. If you'd like to contact me about a specific piece, or to discuss a commission, please email me at: THANK YOU! Sold: Day Books, the art-as-life of Sharon Frost, one page after anoth. SKETCH OF THE DAY. Danny Gregory. Tommy Kane's Art Blog. Veronica Lawlor. Greg Betza Illustration. Gas Water Nothing. Margaret Hurst. Sketchbookseduction. Melanie Reim. Three letter word for art. Arty Velarde. Citizen Sketcher. Christian Tribastone's Art Blog. NATHALIE RAMIREZ COMUNICACION VISUAL.

PERSPECTIVAS E SKETCHES. .j.. João Pinheiro Sketchbook: Location_drawings. "Winter" in Los Angeles is mild and snowless, with many stretches of sunny days.


Even so, this year is unusually dry and warm - so it was a relief to have some rain last week. It's been years since I've sketched a rainy scene, so I had to think about how to draw the rain - and settled on using a white gel pen over watercolors. I like visiting the beach in the winter when there are few crowds. The waves were rolling in after the rain.