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Transhumance. A seter in Gudbrandsdal, Norway. It is above the tree line in the mountains and is used for summer pasture. Transhumance is the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In montane regions (vertical transhumance) it implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys. Only the herds travel, with the people necessary to tend them. In contrast, horizontal transhumance is more susceptible to being disrupted by climatic, economic or political change.[1] Traditional or fixed transhumance occurs or has occurred throughout the inhabited world, particularly Europe and Southwest Asia.

The term "transhumance" is also occasionally used in correlation with nomadic pastoralism – migration of people and livestock over longer distances. Etymology[edit] The term derives from the Latin trans 'across' and humus 'ground'. Worldwide transhumance patterns[edit] Europe[edit] Wales[edit] Glocken & Treicheln. Federkielstickerei Thaler OHG / Sarnthein - Südtirol. Glockenriemen. Salzburger Federkiel-Stickerei - Walter Grübl & Herbert Klieber - Handgefertigte Ranzen, Gürtel, Hosenträger & Trachten in Maßarbeit. Federkielstickerei Georg Leitner. Handwerk im Hotel Lindenhof-Sarner Federkielsticker. Männer beim Federkielsticken im Pongau in Salzburg. Glockengiesserei Gusset AG in Uetendorf. Fotogalerie, Treicheln, J?rg Bartenbach. Bildgalerie Riemen. Fotogalerie, Treicheln, Jürg Bartenbach.