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PhpMyFAQ homepage - open source FAQ software | welcome. PHP Libraries For Working With Excel, Word And Powerpoint Files. As web designers/developers, MS Office files are pretty far from our daily lives. We usually don't need to create one and, if needed, there are web apps for that. However, for web apps that host lots of information, enabling users to import/export the data is a huge time-saver and Excel (XLS, CVS) files are the most popular format for that job. For standard content, we can always export it as a HTML file but, depending on the audience, providing Word files can be a better option. If you are a PHP developer, working with MS Office files (Excel, Word and Powerpoint in our case) is so easy with the help of mature libraries out there.

Here are alternatives (both simple and complicated) where you may choose the one that fits the best to your project. PHPExcel A full-featured PHP library for handling and creating Excel files which can read from many different spreadsheet file formats like Excel (.xls), Excel 2007 (OfficeOpenXML -.xlsx), CSV, Libre/OpenOffice Calc .ods, PDF, HTML, etc. PHP-Excel. Free PHP Form script : Form to Email processor : Process web forms. Free (D-I-Y setup) Tectite FormMail is a PHP form to email processor for all HTML web forms, and is ideal for spam-free contact forms.

It's completely free for all use and open source! Download and set it up for your website using our online documentation. Low-cost Wizard Save time and effort and get started quickly with a low-cost subscription to our Configuration Wizard. Anti-spam FormMail has automatic anti-spam processing that keeps form spam out of your inbox. Secure Tectite FormMail has a long history with no serious security vulnerabilities - a major reason to select the right PHP form processor. Support & Development You can purchase guaranteed support from the authors and get a real response from a real person! Features FormMail has an extensive and growing list of features. Special Requirement? Converting from Matt's or NMS FormMail Many webmasters are converting from Perl FormMail scripts (such as Matt's FormMail or NMS FormMail) to Tectite's PHP FormMail. Your server or ours? Cryptico.js - An easy-to-use encryption system utilizing RSA and AES for javascript.

Download FormMail. Home | x:template a professional PHP template engine. Database management in single PHP file. Kriswallsmith/assetic - GitHub. Underscore.php. Download You can download this project in either zip or tar formats. Single Underscore vs. Double Underscore In many PHP installations, _() already exists as an alias to gettext(). Object-Oriented and Static Styles Underscore.php works in both object-oriented and static styles. __::map(array(1, 2, 3), function($n) { return $n * 2; }); __(array(1, 2, 3))->map(function($n) { return $n * 2; }); Collections (Arrays or Objects) each __::each(collection, iterator) Iterates over the collection and yield each in turn to the iterator function. Map __::map(collection, iterator) Alias: collect Returns an array of values by mapping each in collection through the iterator. Reduce __::reduce(collection, iterator, memo) Aliases: inject, foldl Reduce the collection into a single value.

__::reduce(array(1, 2, 3), function($memo, $num) { return $memo + $num; }, 0); // 6 reduceRight __::reduceRight(collection, iterator, memo) Alias: foldr Right-associative version of reduce. reject __::reject(collection, iterator) Laravel - A Clean & Classy PHP Framework.