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Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2 Final. This plugin generates a XML-Sitemap compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog. This format is supported by, Google, YAHOO and MSN Search. More information about what XML-Sitemaps are and how they can help you to get indexed by the major search engines can be found at and the searchenginewatch blog. If you have questions about XML-Sitemaps or run into problems, have a look at my Sitemaps FAQ. Note: The XML-Sitemap format was introduced in 2005 by Google and adopted in 2006 by YAHOO, Live and so that’s why it’s often called "Google Sitemaps". Download | Installation | Help & FAQ | Changelog | Donate Problems with your sitemap?

Features: Download (includes all languages): Download new version with dynamic sub-sitemaps Download older version with single static sitemap See here for an explanation about single and sub-sitemaps. Pricing and Licensing: Good news, this plugin is free for everyone! Notify List: Installation: Suggest a feature: Example of a generated sitemap: Webmaster Central. Basic Drupal SEO Tutorial: On-site Optimization. Summary Enable Clean URLsEnable Path Module and install and enable Pathauto, Global Redirect and Token Modules.Configure the Pathauto ModuleInstall and enable the Meta Tags Module.Install enable the Page Title ModuleDo NOT install the Drupal Sitemap Module.Fix .htaccess to redirect to "www" or remove the "www" subdomain.Fix your theme's HTML headers if they aren't rightRecommended: create a custom front pageModify your robots.txt file.

Enable clean URLs Search engines prefer clean URLs. In Drupal 6, clean URLs should be automatically enabled if your server allows it. Install the pathauto module and enable it The pathauto module is highly recommended. Think carefully about how you want your URLs to look. At the very least, enable the path module and install the pathauto module. Caution: The above advice is directed towards new Drupal sites. Here are some pathauto settings to watch out for: For update action choose "Do nothing.

There is also a more comprehensive Pathauto tutorial. Make Money From Photos Online. Search Engine Optimization for WordPress. Search Engine Optimization for WordPress WordPress, straight out of the box, comes ready to embrace search engines. Its features and functions guide a search engine through the posts, pages, and categories to help the search engine crawl your site and gather the information it needs to include your site within its database. WordPress comes with several built in search optimization tools, including the ability to use .htaccess to create apparently static URLs called permalinks, blogrolling, and pinging. There are also a number of third party plugins and hacks which can be used for search engine optimization (SEO).

However, once you start using various WordPress Themes and customizing WordPress to meet your own needs, you may break some of those useful search engine friendly features. Good, Clean Code Make sure your site's code validates. Content Talks Search engines can't "see" a site. Write Your Content with Searchers in Mind How do you find information on the Internet?

Content First Sitemaps. AboutNico » Google Analytics AIR beta.