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Skateboard Science: Skateboarding Physics & Tricks. Tony Hawk's Ride. Skateboarder Tony Hawk taught Kid Reporter Christopher Campbell how to play his new video game, Tony Hawk Ride, and how to use the game's skateboard "controller.

Tony Hawk's Ride

" (Photo: Jennifer Boggs) Kid Reporter Christopher Campbell gets a lesson from Tony Hawk himself on how to play the video game Tony Hawk Ride. (Photo: Jennifer Boggs) DragonflyTV . Episodes . Matter and Motion . Skateboarding. Skateboard by Chuck and Jake We love to go vertical when we ride our skateboards.

DragonflyTV . Episodes . Matter and Motion . Skateboarding

We wanted to get the greatest performance out of our boards and wondered if choosing the right wheels makes a difference. Our question: How does wheel size affect our skateboarding performance? What did we do?