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10 Pretty Awesome Things You Can do With PowerPoint. It’d easy to bash PowerPoint, especially given the poor uses we see all too often … plain boring slides with no personality, or worse yet … slides that are inundated with text, delivered by monotone lecturers lacking enthusiasm. But this much maligned yet widely used application is capable of so much more! Just give PowerPoint a chance. Those who are experienced with some of these functions may find them a bit mundane, but I still remember how cool it was to find and use them for the first time. While many may be aware of some of these techniques, I think most readers will find something fun and new here. Following are 10 pretty cool things you can do with the popular presentation tool. Some are really easy, others will take more time and effort to get familiar with. Just be sure not to go overboard with these – use them sparingly for emphasis and to keep it interesting, not to create a kaleidoscope of visual chaos. 1.

Here is a more detailed overview of using PowerPoint Animations. 2. 3. Manual Google Drive. Cmaptools. Tutorialdropbox. Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo y de la Revolución de Mayo.

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