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ET Web Solutions - ET Currency Manager - Technical information for the developer. Code Encryption / Obfuscation Extensions developed by ETWS are not encrypted (no IonCube, Zend Guard, etc.). 100% of the source code is open source and not a single line of the code is obfuscated / encrypted.

ET Web Solutions - ET Currency Manager - Technical information for the developer

Observers / Events The extension listens for the following events, and uses them to add its functionality to Magento. Area: global — Event: controller_front_init_before The extension adds the following events: 10 Android Parental Control Apps - Yoursphere for Parents. I have received a number of requests from parents looking for solutions to make sure their child’s Android devices are family-friendly ready and safety-enabled.

10 Android Parental Control Apps - Yoursphere for Parents

Unlike iOS on Apple mobile devices, Android does not offer any significant parental control capabilities, so third-party apps are a must. There are countless apps in the Android marketplace, so selecting the right app for your needs can be overwhelming. The available parental control apps allow parents to filter adult content, restrict app purchases, set limits on usage time, and even monitor calls, texts and web activity. Here’s a list of some of the best Android apps for parental controls that the Yoursphere For Parents editorial team has tested and recommend you use: Kids Place: Kids Place is an app launcher that opens a fully customized interface, catered to children with only the apps you select, and options to filter out other apps.

Behance. GmailSharedTasks - Share Gmail Task Lists. 8 Tips to Finding the Perfect Dot-Com Domain Name. So you've decided that you want a domain name, congrats!

8 Tips to Finding the Perfect Dot-Com Domain Name

If you're smart (and I know you are), your first instinct is probably to register your domain name with a .com extension. With nearly 30 years of top-tier news, entertainment and businesses associated with .com, it has become one of the most versatile, trusted and recognizable domain name extensions around the world. Every Fortune 500 company and many of the top startups have .com domain names. Actes uniformes - ACTE UNIFORME PORTANT ORGANISATION ET HARMONISATION DES COMPTABILITÉS DES ENTREPRISES > Annexes > Chapitre 6 - Opérations et problèmes spécifiques > Section 6 - Opérations faites pour le compte de tiers.

Section 6 : Opérations faites pour le compte de tiers Les opérations traitées par l'entreprise pour le compte de tiers peuvent être faites : 1.

Actes uniformes - ACTE UNIFORME PORTANT ORGANISATION ET HARMONISATION DES COMPTABILITÉS DES ENTREPRISES > Annexes > Chapitre 6 - Opérations et problèmes spécifiques > Section 6 - Opérations faites pour le compte de tiers

Soit en son nom seul, en qualité de commissionnaire Le commissionnaire est personnellement tenu à l'égard des acheteurs ou des vendeurs des obligations résultant des contrats d'achat et de vente qu'il conclut, même si le nom du commettant pour lequel il agit, et auquel il doit rendre compte, apparaît. Le contrat doit préciser le taux, l'assiette, le fait générateur et les conditions de paiement de la commission qui, à défaut de clause contractuelle particulière, est due dès la conclusion du contrat de vente. 2. Le mandataire représente le mandant et l'engage pour tous les actes accomplis avec les tiers pour son compte en le rendant personnellement débiteur ou créancier envers ces tiers.

Le mandataire doit rendre compte de sa gestion au mandant. 1. Sa rémunération est constituée par la marge qu'elle réalise sur ses opérations de commissionnaire. Site Officiel de la Direction Générale des Impôts. Site Officiel de la Direction Générale des Impôts. FireShot Capture 015 Trevit http www.trevitup. Pro's and Con's of a Magento multi-store set up. ECG Planning for a Multi Website Business on Magento Q&A. How to Setup Magento with Multiple Stores and Domains - ProperHost. One of the useful features in Magento is the ability to create multiple stores/websites that share the same Magento installation.

How to Setup Magento with Multiple Stores and Domains - ProperHost

This allows multiple store fronts to share a common code base and backend, making administration a lot easier. Stores can share customer base, product catalog and settings based on how you choose to configure your sites. This tutorial will go through the steps of setting up multiple stores in Magento, and how to configure a domain for each store. Prerequisites Magento must be installedAccess to add new vhosts (virtual hosts). URL structure Before you start adding new stores to Magento, you should have a clear understanding of how each store will be addressed, i.e. how the URL will look like. How to Register a Company in Kenya: 10 Steps. User Reviewed Community Q&A Business in Kenya is not as complicated as it was previously.

How to Register a Company in Kenya: 10 Steps

This article gives you the 10 basic company registration steps. Airhotels. Comment installer Magento en 5 étapes ? Online Accommodation Booking Script. Good Effort I found this vacation rental software while researching to build an accommodation booking website like homeaway.

Online Accommodation Booking Script

What caught my attention is the homepage video slidding option. The airbnb clone script was handy in making alive my website. I'm very thankful to the technical support team. I Set Up a Shell Corporation, and So Can You! - VICE. Mossack Fonseca headquarters in Panama.

I Set Up a Shell Corporation, and So Can You! - VICE

Photo by the author One of the simplest ways to crack down on ​organized crime and money laundering, most cops or FBI agents will tell you, is to make it harder for crooks to ​create so-called shellcompanies. These firms—typically set up in an offshore haven by the crook's attorney or bagman—are designed to hide the identity of their real owners and allow people to move money around the world without it being traced back to them. So when guns, drugs, or human beings are trafficked, or a politician takes a bribe, or a company pulls off a tax scam or Ponzi scheme or ​pump-and-dump stock swindle, you can be virtually certain that a shell firm was used to move the dirty money and cover the trail. According to Dennis Lormel, the first chief of the FBI's Terrorist Financing Operations Section and a retired 28-year Bureau veteran, "Terrorists, organized crime groups, and pariah states need access to the international banking system.

Regular LLC versus Anonymous LLC. What is a LLC?

Regular LLC versus Anonymous LLC

A limited liability company (LLC) is a form of business entity that is permitted in all 50 states. Many small businesses prefer LLC’s over corporations because of their flexibility, low-cost and ease to maintain. LLC regulations vary from state to state, and you must follow the requirements of the state you are forming it in. All states require you to identify the Registered Agent and the Organizer on your LLC application and most also require you to identify either the managers or the members of the LLC.

However, not all states require that you disclose this information, hence the phrase “anonymous LLC”. Magento Parallel Payment. Why Out of Notification is so Powerful?

Magento Parallel Payment

Three Way Payments Supports chained, parallel and delayed chained payments. The payment can be split to the vendors through admin or mutually between admin and vendors. Instant Transaction Supports instant payment transaction. The transactions are done at a rapid and instant manner so that there is no need for waiting like before. Split Payments Automatically splits the payment between the owner and multi-vendors.