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Network security

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Untitled. Approach to Auditing Network Security. S. Anantha Sayana Today we live in a connected world. Communication is a key requirement for all systems. Increased integration of systems requires a compulsive need to establish fast and reliable communication that is as widespread as the organization and its business dealings. Information systems need to reach out to users, vendors, customers and partners (irrespective of their location); everything is connected to nearly everything else. All this brings us to the issue that looking at any system as something that is inside one box or in one enclosed space is not enough to gain assurance about its security.

The reality is that nearly every computer in the world could be, and in most cases is, connected to every other computer through the Internet. Therefore, let us look at how we fashion an approach to auditing networks and ensuring that they are secure. Network Vulnerabilities The basic vulnerabilities associated with a network can be grouped into three broad categories: Controls S.

Chapter 3: Computer System Security and Access Controls. Network security controlling access. Physical-Security-for-Computer-Protection. 10 physical security measures every organization should take. This information is also available as a PDF download. Every general computer networking class teaches the OSI and/or DoD networking models, and we all learn that everything begins at the bottom, with the physical level.

Likewise, when it comes to IT security, physical security is the foundation for our overall strategy. But some organizations, distracted by the more sophisticated features of software-based security products, may overlook the importance of ensuring that the network and its components have been protected at the physical level. In this article, we'll take a look at 10 of the most essential security measures you should implement now, if you haven't already done so. #1: Lock up the server room Even before you lock down the servers, in fact, before you even turn them on for the first time, you should ensure that there are good locks on the server room door.

. #2: Set up surveillance #3: Make sure the most vulnerable devices are in that locked room #4: Use rack mount servers Summary.