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The Great Soap Makeover. So, is there any way I can make this look better? You betcha! Check this out!! (Look familiar? Yup, I’m on a vinyl tangent at the moment. Check out the knife block post for more deets on vinyl.) Yes, I know, I know. I’m gonna show you how you can make your own. First: Wash the bottle out really well (I pored the soap into a little dish while I was prepping this craft). Second: Find something for them to sit on while you spray paint. Third: Spray paint using paint for PLASTIC stuff. Is my paint setup looking familier? So I wasn’t lovin’ the solid black look so once they were painted with the plastic paint I added a coat of regular ORB (not made specifically for plastic). Also, I wasn’t feelin’ the solid blackish ORB look either so I used a brownish metallic for the top pump part. And now, another tutorial on how to apply vinyl letters.

From L to R: Remove staples. From L to R: Get the vinyl positioned exactly where you want it. It is that easy! And just for fun, I <3 vinyl! Make DIY Mod Storage Pods » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: modern, storage, bowls, how-to. Every home needs a "landing strip": that place near the door to put your keys, sunglasses, phone, mail, purses, things you need to take with you, and all the other important stuff that comes in and out of your home everyday. A basket is a great idea, or a storage bench, or a small shelf. OR...You could make these mod, space-y storage pods from a household staple! Guess what it is! Plastic cereal bowls. Bam. Miki of Miki's design created this genius installation with a bare five bucks worth of plastic bowls, some spray paint, and a few nails.

Soup Anyone? Tagged : modern, storage, bowls, How-To, Craft, spray-paint, DIY. The Boy’s Dresser. I began this transition from baby room to big boy space several months ago, but I hit a few road blocks along the way. One of the challenges was finding a proper dresser for my little guy ~ one that provided plenty of storage, complemented the style of his room, and was the proper scale for the wall where it sits. For months, I’ve had my eye on the IKEA Hemnes dresser in white. I delayed purchasing it because it’s a two hour round trip to the closest IKEA, and it’s $300 buckaroos, plus California state tax, plus assembly. Grrrr. So when I spied a listing for an Hemnes dresser on Craiglist last week for sale by a couple in my hometown for half the retail price, I scooped it up. So I painted it. Before: After: Perfect ! Thanks to the kind folks at True Value, I picked up a few new supplies for this paint job.

One of the reasons I looooooove Zinsser’s ‘Cover Stain’ is that it clings to so many surfaces without sanding and dries in an hour. Here’s his old maple wood dresser. How to Make Peppermint Essential Oil. Furniture Inspired by Scrabble Game. Today I’ve received a piece of furniture that is worth publishing in this blog, sent to me by an anonymous visitor via Send Us Tips form.

If you also have something interesting related to home inspiration, furniture, architecture … I encourage you to send to me. I’ll read every email. But let’s come back to this submission. In my email I didn’t had any details about this interesting piece of furniture inspired by Scrabble, just some pictures. So I’ve searched for more information and I’ve found that these pieces of furniture inspired by Scrabble are made by Stephen Reed for employees in the London offices of Bloomberg financial services. Users can make words and leave messages with the screen printed letter cushions, a nice form to personalize this piece of furniture.