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Tutorials, Games, Apps, Tips. Android Tab Layout with Swipeable Views. My previous article explains about Android Tab Layout and it got very good ranking in search engines.

Android Tab Layout with Swipeable Views

But unfortunately TabHost is deprecated by android in favor of fragments. So it is suggested that use fragment to achieve tab layout. This article shows you how to create tab layout using fragments and viewpager. Creating Swipe Views with Tabs. Swipe views provide lateral navigation between sibling screens such as tabs with a horizontal finger gesture (a pattern sometimes known as horizontal paging).

Creating Swipe Views with Tabs

This lesson teaches you how to create a tab layout with swipe views for switching between tabs, or how to show a title strip instead of tabs. Implement Swipe Views You can create swipe views in your app using the ViewPager widget, available in the Support Library. Tabs + Fragments + Swipe em Android. Android Developers Blog.