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Drawing and Painting

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Twisted Princesses: Jeffrey Thomas Gives Disney Princess a Macabre Makeover. You may have thought the superheroes in our gender reversal post were a tad skanky, so we wanted to turn things around with this post. Try as we might we couldn’t find any overly prudish superheroes, sorry. The chances of that were as high as Julius Malema making any sense when he talks. Bloody agent. We moved on and our next search brought us to character designer Jeffrey Thomas who has a knack for taking your fond childhood memories and twisting them into something quite sinister. In his Twisted Princess series, Thomas takes some of Disney’s beloved princesses and gives them with a makeover from hell. He often includes a new story line explaining how they got that way. Have a look at some of the twisted princesses after the jump. See more in the series on Thoma’s deviantART profile. Share this post:

G A L L E R Y. The William Blake Page. William Blake (b. Nov. 28, 1757, London--d. Aug. 12, 1827, London) was the first of the great English Romantic poets, as well as a painter and printer and one of the greatest engravers in English history. Largely self-taught, he began writing poetry when he was twelve and was apprenticed to a London engraver at the age of fourteen. His poetry and visual art are inextricably linked. To fully appreciate one you must see it in context with the other. A rebel all of his life, Blake was once arrested on a trumped up charge of sedition. Blake is frequently referred to as a mystic, but this is not really accurate. Most of Blake's paintings (such as "The Ancient of Days" above, the frontispiece to Europe: a Prophecy) are actually prints made from copper plates, which he etched in a method he claimed was revealed to him in a dream.

As an artist Blake broke the ground that would later be cultivated by the Pre-Raphaelites. Paradoxymoron. Spacefish.