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Cinq anti-patterns DevOps. Vous en avez assez de patienter deux mois pour livrer en production ?

Cinq anti-patterns DevOps

Vous souhaitez fluidifier les livraisons de votre entreprise en faisant collaborer Devs et Ops ? Bravo ! Mais une fois n’étant pas coutume, plutôt que de prêcher la bonne parole, nous allons parler des erreurs souvent commises et voir ensemble comment les éviter. Découvrez avec nous cinq anti-patterns DevOps courants. Periodic Table of Devops Tools.

DevOps Knowledge Base — scm_knowledge_base 0.1 documentation. Free-programming-books/ at master · vhf/free-programming-books. Jens Rantil's Hideout. Some time ago was set to evaluate configuration management systems.

Jens Rantil's Hideout

I've heard opinions from someone I respect that Puppet and Chef were complicated beasts to get up and running, and since I am a Python guy I've generally always kept an eye on Ansible and Salt. Ruby is so far not my thing, but hey let's not start a flamewar about that! Last year I got to spend a good 6 months working with Ansible for provisioning of servers. I became very familiar with the tool. In that project, Ansible was mostly chosen because it was easy to get started and had good documentation.

A couple of weeks ago I went on a 10-day vacation in Japan, and for those who don't know me that usually equals me spending a fair amount of time of reading computer literature or documentation! I've also spent some time getting a small Salt setup up and running with their States system. Terminology Both Salt and Ansible are originally built as execution engines. Phansible - Create Vagrant + Ansible provisionings for PHP-based web servers. Ansible Life : for-devops. Srknc/rundeck_ansible_sync. Mavimo/ansible-commander. Semaphore - Open Source Alternative to Ansible Tower. Gcoffey/ansible-remote-deployment. Continuous Delivery: Tools, Collaboration, and Conway's Law.

Continuous Delivery Tools Collaboration Conways Law - QCon London - M… Agile and ITIL Continuous Delivery. ITIL and Agile. Blog » Why are devops more dev than ops in France? Cultural exception or communication problem? At the beginning of each devopsdays event I’ve been to, the MC asks the audience to raise hands if they identify themselves as mainly “devs” or mainly “ops” or neither.

Blog » Why are devops more dev than ops in France? Cultural exception or communication problem?

At previous devopsdays I’ve attended in Europe (Rome, London, Amsterdam…) there has usually been a majority of “primarily ops”, (while not always a huge majority, it was a clear one, say 60-70%). At the Paris devopsdays last year, it was very different: roughly 70% of attendees identified themselves as “mainly devs”. This simple statistic made the conference quite different to other devopsdays I have participated in. Mostly because many more of the discussions started from a viewpoint that was more development focused, obviously.

Devops expliqué simplement. Une histoire fictive de la réalité Credit photo Steve Chilton J’imagine votre joie en ce beau vendredi.

Devops expliqué simplement

Il est 17h50 et vous venez juste de réussir à construire votre projet avec Maven. Server Log Monitoring Tool. Scalyr-agent-2/ at master · scalyr/scalyr-agent-2. Jelkosz/kanbanik. Simple Deployment Pipeline - /dev/solita. This article shows how we created a simple deployment pipeline using open source components.

Simple Deployment Pipeline - /dev/solita

Obviously you must first do Continuous Integration (CI) to enable DevOps and Continuous Delivery, but then what? How to move from plain CI arrangement to Continous Delivery? Here's one answer. The first rule of DevOps is you don't talk about 'DevOps' It is good to remember that DevOps is about culture, not tools. We are not Twitter. Some of the "best practice" references come from famous product shops, such as Twitter, Etsy, Google and Facebook.

Shipping is a feature! As Joel Spolsky succintly put it, Shipping is indeed a important feature. Enterprise DevOps: Scaling Build, Deploy, Test, Release. 2014-state-of-devops-report.pdf. Backend as a Service.


The Future of System Administration. L’usine de développement : du cauchemar à la réalité. Imaginons un instant une entreprise dans laquelle les projets informatiques tourneraient au cauchemar : le périmètre fonctionnel est mal maîtrisé, les architectes techniques jouent aux divas de l’innovation, les développeurs sont peu productifs, les managers ne savent pas où en est le projet, chaque déploiement est une bataille, les délais et les coûts explosent, personne ne veut maintenir l’application, l’ensemble finit à la poubelle… Une caricature ?

L’usine de développement : du cauchemar à la réalité

Tomcat-manager/ at master · kotfu/tomcat-manager. Sites e-learning en programmation - Agence web Idéematic à Strasbourg. Ces dix dernières années, nous avons constaté sur le web une démocratisation de la programmation à travers la multiplication du nombre de sites d’apprentissage en ligne, autrement dit « e-learning ».

Sites e-learning en programmation - Agence web Idéematic à Strasbourg

Je vous présente, ci-dessous, les trois sites de programmation en ligne les plus connus et qui sont à mes yeux les plus intéressants en terme de pédagogie. Ces trois sites ont un point commun : les leçons consultables à tout moment par tout le monde ainsi que leur méthode d’enseignement très agréable et facile à prendre en main. OpenClassrooms Philosophie d’Openclassrooms : « Chez OpenClassrooms, nous voulons démocratiser le savoir en apportant une dimension supplémentaire à cette nouvelle manière de se former.

Nous voulons démocratiser le partage des connaissances. Le site propose des cours variés (852 au total), très complets, sur tous les langages informatiques, parmi lesquels on peut citer HTML/CSS, PHP, C++, Python, jQuery, Java, JavaScript etc. Codecademy GrafikArt. Requirejs - I'm implementing on-the-fly dashboards in AngularJS. The Best Language Learning Apps You’ll Ever Find. Looking for the best language learning apps out there?

The Best Language Learning Apps You’ll Ever Find

Well, I compiled a list just for you. Here are, in my opinion, some of the top ones you will find. All available for Android, iOS, and your own computer. Have fun! Duolingo My favorite app on the list is this. Continuous Delivery Part 1: The Deployment Pipeline « Agitech Limited. Most of the ideas in this article come from the excellent book “Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation” by Jez Humble and Dave Farley.

Continuous Delivery Part 1: The Deployment Pipeline « Agitech Limited

DevOps - Retour d'expérience - GenevaJug du 30 Aout 2011. CSS-Tricks. The best tools for a Road Warrior - 10 best Cloud IDE's. Because it is browser based means its accessible on a desktop, laptop, tablet, and at any location at an airport waiting lounge, on a train or even in Starbucks, and because its open source there’s a big community behind it.

The best tools for a Road Warrior - 10 best Cloud IDE's

Sourcekit is a lightweight programmer’s text editor right inside of Chrome with a more streamlined interface compared to to bloated desktop development suites. It supports all the major languages such as C/C++/C#, PHP, Python, Javascript, MySQL, Java and Ruby. SourceKit also saves files directly to Dropbox, so if you have the Dropbox sync software installed, the changes made in the code will appear locally, a perfect tool for web developers. Codenvy is an cloud IDE for developers and also has good support for corporate teams with advanced collaboration, security, and enterprise options and features, it contains a collection of tools which are fully featured and fully integrated with a Cloud Foundry for building and deploying code.

Akshell Neutron IDE Collide CodeMirror. Tooling for the JavaScript Era. Cloud9 IDE vs Codenvy vs Nitrous.IO. 13 Cloud IDEs For Web Developers. With so much of the traditional, desktop-based productivity software we know and love moving to the Cloud, it’s no surprise that Cloud-based IDEs are quickly gaining ground with developers. Nowadays, the browser is essentially a thin client that allows users to access a variety of Cloud-based applications and services. However, many are still hesitant to put their full faith in a remote Cloud IDE for development purposes. MinuteProject. Cloudfier API Grants Access to Business Web App Functionality. YouCompleteMe by Valloric. Flower Platform. Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony - calendrier de l'avent 2013 - Jour 17 - Commencer à adopter la culture Devops sur ses projets Symfony. 4 Commentaires Devops est le mouvement qui vise à réunir les équipes IT, en particulier les équipes de développement et des opérations, autour d'un objectif commun : améliorer la performance de l'organisation IT au service du métier.

Free ArchiMate Modelling Tool. Learn/velocity_conf_2014 at master · marcesher/learn. Collins - Infrastructure Management for Engineers. Collins exists to drive infrastructure automation. Someone recently asked me to describe collins in a sentence. At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge. Everything about Tumblr production environments is stored and encoded in Collins, and that data is used to drive all of our automation. Sometimes people refer to systems like this as a CMDB, or Configuration Management DataBase. Collins started as a system to manage all of the physical servers, switches, racks, etc in Tumblr production environments. Because of the loosely coupled design of Collins, consistently applied conventions are a system requirement. Ansible: How to Get More Sleep and Require Less Coffee. Prevent simultaneous deploys with Ansible. UC4 experiences? - Google Groups. I concur with @Ernest below.

I hope I can help make some order here from my experience. Puppet, Chef and CFengine are really configuration management solutions. In a nutshell the philosophy behind them is that of "I need" and what they do best is assure your environment is always configured properly no matter how many servers you have in it.