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Java. 10 Online Big Data Courses. CIM Schema: Version 2.44.1. The CIM V2.44.1 Release Notes describe the changes that have been incorporated into this release, as well as instructions for installing the Schema.

CIM Schema: Version 2.44.1

We recommend that you review this document first. As part of CIM 2.44.1, a number of enhancements and additions are introduced throughout the Schema, including ongoing improvements to support product and alliance partners and to support DMTF Profiles and Management Initiatives. Examples include updates to BIOS, printers, standard messages, operating system state, modern power management paradigms, virtualization and security.

In addition, it should be noted that the CIM Schema is built automatically for the DMTF. All of the change requests for the CIM 2.44.1 release were applied programmatically, instead of by hand. Kkaempf/cim2orientdb.


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