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Kovpas/itc.cli. Nomad :: world-class command line utilities for iOS development. Canvas - Simplify iOS Development. mAdserve - Open Source Mobile Ad Server. Celedev - Home. Network Link Conditioner. Product design is about empathy. Knowing what a user wants, what they like, what they dislike, what causes them frustration, and learning to understand and embody those motivations in design decisions—this is what it takes to make something insanely great. And so we invest in reaching beyond our own operational model of the world.

We tailor our experience for different locales. We consider the usability implications of screen readers or other assistive technologiess. We continuously evaluate our implementation against these expectations. There is, though, one critical factor that app developers often miss the first time around, and that is network condition, or more specifically the latency and bandwidth of an Internet connection. This week on NSHipster, we’ll be talking about the Network Link Conditioner, a utility that allows Mac and iOS devices to accurately and consistently simulate adverse networking environments. Installation EDGE3GDSLWiFiHigh Latency DNSVery Bad Network100% Loss. Calabash/calabash-ios. Upload your App - Diawi - Development iOS Apps Wireless Installation. How it works.

JavaScriptCore and iOS 7. Sep 182013 As a rule, iOS programmers don’t think much about JavaScript. We spend our days swimming in C and Objective-C, while occasionally dipping our toes into the waters of C++. But JavaScript has been consistently popular for the past decade, mostly on the web—both in the browser and on the back end. Until iOS 7, there was only one way to interact with JavaScript from an iOS app. UIWebView exposes one method, -stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:. A UIWebView has its own JavaScript runtime, and you can use this simple API to evaluate arbitrary scripts, which might be calling existing functions in the HTML document that the web view is displaying.

While having access to the JavaScript engine is nice, this single method API is very limiting. Enter the JavaScriptCore framework. Share and Share Alike JavaScript runs in a virtual machine, which is represented by the JSVirtualMachine class. JSValue *aValue = context[@"a"]; double a = [aValue toDouble]; NSLog(@"%.0f", a); Object Permanence. TestFlight » Beta Testing On The Fly. Allending/Kiwi. GHUnit Reference. Next GHUnit Reference GHUnit is a test framework for Objective-C (Mac OS X 10.5 and above and iPhone 3.x and above). It can be used with SenTestingKit, GTM or all by itself. For example, your test cases will be run if they subclass any of the following: GHTestCaseSenTestCaseGTMTestCase Using GHUnit How to install, create and run tests.

Other Links Install (Docset) Programming Guides Class References Protocol References Category References NSException(GHTestMacros_GTMSenTestAdditions) HockeyKit. - Automated Acceptance Testing for iOS and Android Apps. – Native iOS development made simple. Cocoa Controls. CocoaPods: The Objective-C Library Manager. iOS Boilerplate - A base template for iOS apps. iOS Frameworks.