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GoogleCode. Repository : erei-repo. Applications Overview. One account. All of Google. Sign in with your Google Account Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google. Objectify-appengine - Project Hosting on Google Code. Objectify is a Java data access API specifically designed for the Google App Engine datastore. It occupies a "middle ground"; easier to use and more transparent than JDO or JPA, but significantly more convenient than the Low-Level API. Objectify is designed to make novices immediately productive yet also expose the full power of the GAE datastore. Objectify lets you persist, retrieve, delete, and query your own typed objects.

@Entityclass Car { @Id String vin; // Can be Long, long, or String String color;} ofy().save().entity(new Car("123123", "red")).now();Car c = ofy().load().type(Car.class).id("123123").now();ofy().delete().entity(c); Objectify surfaces all native datastore features, including batch operations, queries, transactions, asynchronous operations, and partial indexes.

Objectify provides type-safe key and query classes using Java generics. After you've banged your head against JDO and screamed "Why, Google, why?? "