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Thomas Sowell

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An Overdue Book - Thomas Sowell. If everyone in America had read Stephen Moore's new book, "Who's The Fairest of Them All?

An Overdue Book - Thomas Sowell

", Barack Obama would have lost the election in a landslide. The point here is not to say, "Where was Stephen Moore when we needed him? " The 'Fairness' Fraud. | During a recent Fox News Channel debate about the Obama administration's tax policies, Democrat Bob Beckel raised the issue of "fairness.

The 'Fairness' Fraud

" He pointed out that a child born to a poor woman in the Bronx enters the world with far worse prospects than a child born to an affluent couple in Connecticut. No one can deny that. The relevant question, however, is: How does allowing politicians to take more money in taxes from successful people, to squander in ways that will improve their own reelection prospects, make anything more "fair" for others? Thomas Sowell. TV.