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Extension numérique du corps

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Enseignement 2010-2011 — Corps et TIC : approches socio-anthropologiques des usages numériques. Antonio Casilli S'il s'agit de l'enseignement principal d'un enseignant, le nom de celui-ci est indiqué en gras. 2e et 4e jeudis du mois de 17 h à 19 h (salle 5, 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris), du 25 novembre 2010 au 24 février 2011. La séance du 10 février est reportée au 11 février, même heure (salle 2, 105 bd Raspail) L’essor des usages technologiques de masse a coïncidé avec le télescopage de deux plans – l'un physique, l'autre informationnel – de l'expérience humaine. Tout en s’inscrivant dans une continuité entre les objets techniques et la corporéité même de l'usager, les TIC véhiculent des représentations sociales qui semblent mettre entre parenthèse la sensualité et la matérialité des corps. Cet enseignement a pour objet une exploration synchronique et diachronique des pratiques et des recherches portant sur le corps dans les contextes d’interaction assistée par ordinateur.

. - Adam Arvidsson (2007) « Netporn: The Work of Fantasy in the Information Society », in K. Compte rendu. Fashion as Technology - Dedicated Follower of Fashion. (LilyPad Arduino) At Fashion Camp LA, a few weeks back, I was presented with a variety of mind blowing technologies in the fashion world. Most impressively was the idea of fashion as technology in itself presented in a discussion hosted by Syuzi Pakhchyan of Fashioning Technology. Syuzi discussed, amongst other things, 3D Printing, an additive manufacturing technology in which three dimensional objects are created by successive layers of material.

The sheer idea of being able to design something (you would use a CAD program) and then 'print at home' is amazing - and the possibilities seem endless. There are various materials and manners in which this process works (which this Wikipedia article explains more thoroughly) but generally you'd be looking at items made from polymers and resins. The most amazing thing is the technology for this is affordable for small businesses with printers starting at around the 4K mark. The equally impressive technology (amongst so many!) By Kelsi Smith. ArduinoBoardLilyPad. Overview The LilyPad Arduino is a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles.

It can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread. The board is based on the ATmega168V (the low-power version of the ATmega168) (datasheet) or the ATmega328V (datasheet). The LilyPad Arduino was designed and developed by Leah Buechley and SparkFun Electronics. Downloads Schematic: LilyPad_schematic_v18.pdf EAGLE (CAD) Files: Summary Warning: Don't power the LilyPad Arduino with more than 5.5 volts, or plug the power in backwards: you'll kill it.

Programming The LilyPad Arduino can be programmed with the Arduino software (download). The ATmega168V or ATmega328V on the Arduino LilyPad comes preburned with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it with the Arduino software. Power The LilyPad Arduino can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power supply. Physical Characteristics Washability. Entrelacs - La revue Electronique du Laboratoire de Recherche en Audiovisuel (LARA) - 19 octobre 2010 Les images produites par notre Société du Spectacle, en diffusant les dogmes du « jouir » et de la polymorphie du corps, participeraient à la fabrication d’une post-humanité, paradoxalement basée sur un projet de désincarnation physique et psychique. Ophélie Hernandez est psychologue clinicienne, chargée d’enseignement et doctorante sous la direction de Murielle Gagnebin à l’université Paris III.

Elle a réalisé un film autobiographique à partir de l’analyse et du remontage de ses vidéos de famille et un essai documentaire à partir de vidéos de familles collectées dans divers milieux sociaux et culturels. Le texte complet de cet article est publié dans l’ouvrage : Post humain et les enjeux du sujet Editeur : L’HARMATTAN (2 février 2012) Collection Ouverture Philosophique ISBN-10 : 2296567177 ISBN-13 : 978-2296567177. Incontournables - Ricochets - Google, l’hypothèse post-humaine. Google, l’hypothèse post-humaine Publié le 27 octobre 2010 Une récente intervention du CEO de Google fait entrer Google dans un débat fondamental sur le dépassement de l’humanité comme modèle définitif de l’existence. Le géant digital prépare-t-il une ère post-humaine? «Ce que nous construisons réellement est une version augmentée de l’humanité, des ordinateurs qui aident les humains à faire les choses qu’ils ne pourraient pas faire mieux».

Eric Schmidt, tenant ce discours à la fin du mois de septembre 2010, pouvait peut-être se douter qu’il allait aussitôt mettre le feu aux poudres. Beaucoup de bloggers s’offusquent en relevant ses propos*. Eric Schmidt n’est certainement pas un dangereux prophète d’une humanité augmentée. Depuis toujours, l’homme a un rapport ambigu avec la technologie. Le débat n’est plus de savoir si l’être humain sera augmenté ou s’il doit revenir à la nature.

Une seule chose est certaine: l’humanité est à un tournant. IP addresses for your body's organs. Dutch researchers have proposed the idea of a wireless body area network, where your organs are each given an IP address and can communicate with each other. The body area network, or BAN, would include sensors that monitor each organ's health, and could connect to a mobile phone. That phone could also be configured to take action if certain conditions are met. For example, it could alert the emergency services if your heart stops, or call a doctor if a diabetic's blood sugar levels reach a certain level. Warnings can also be displayed on the phone's screen, or it could ring or buzz. The scientists have so far only hooked up electrocardiogram sensors, which communicate with an Android phone through an ultra-low-power short-range network.

The field of "telehealth" is rapidly expanding as the population of developing countries becomes older and greater numbers are afflicted with chronic illnesses. Avatars learn gestures to match your tone of voice - tech - 10 September 2010. Human unconscious is transferred to virtual characters. Virtual characters can behave according to actions carried out unconsciously by humans. Researchers at the University of Barcelona have created a system which measures human physiological parameters, such as respiration or heart rate, and introduces them into computer designed characters in real time. "The ultimate aim is to develop a method which allows humans to unconsciously relate with some parts of the virtual environment more intensely than with others, and that they are encouraged only by their own physiological responses to the virtual reality shown," Christoph Groenegress, co-author of the work and researcher at the University of Barcelona explained.

The system, the details of which were recently published in the journal The Visual Computer, uses sensors and wireless devices to measure three physiological parameters in real time: heart rate, respiration, and the galvanic (electric) skin response. To tell stories and in rehabilitation. Le Manifeste Cyborg - Art culture musée exposi. Body as battery. Display screens integrated into contact lenses (image above)? Micromechanical medical devices? Pervasive biosensors? A big challenge in the development of wearable and implantable gadgets is how to power them. Years ago, I wrote about efforts to develop a "glucose fuel cell" and other possible technologies to scavenge power from the human body itself.

In the new issue of Smithsonian, Michael Belifore looks at the latest developments in that field, much of which is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)'s Starved Electronics program. Obviously, our bodies generate heat–thermal energy. "Embedded Technologies: Power From the People" (Smithsonian) The Department of Mad Scientists: How DARPA Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs (Amazon)