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How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights. Draw Simple Patterns On Painted Bottles. Here's a super simple way to turn painted wine bottle vases (namely the ones I wrote about here) into something a little more bold and decorative.

Draw Simple Patterns On Painted Bottles

With just a permanent black marker, we had fun applying designs and illustrations to our painted bottles. And the results really are so much fun, and perfect for a casual summer party, or even something more sophisticated if you spend the time to draw with precision. Have a favorite geometric pattern that you'd like to see in your home? Inspired by Yulia Brodskaya. I can't get over how amazing these are.

Inspired by Yulia Brodskaya

I wouldn't be surprised if Yulia invented quilling. She is a 28 year old artist from Moscow who creates beautiful designs from vertical pieces of thin paper and her website is full of inspiration in color, line, shadow and technique. You don't have to be a fellow quiller to wish you were like this great lady. Even though her pieces would be amazing if they were drawn, it was the fact that they are 3d that caught my attention. I imagine one of her expert pieces would take hours, which I do not have... Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That. Japanese Kusudama, this tutorial is featured on Craftuts Anyone can do that, I assure you.

Paper Flowers – Anyone Can Do That

The proof: I can, just take a quick look at my result below. And, believe me, I am neither meticulous nor particularly patient.