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The 10 Best Beach Carts in 2017. Share on Facebook20 shares on Facebook Share on StumbleUpon178 shares on StumbleUpon Going to the beach is one of those things that people look forward to. Sitting under the umbrella or popup tent enjoying the views or a cold drink. Watching your kids engage in water sports, surfing, or the waves smashing against the rocks. Or maybe you just want to relax and listen to your favorite music. The thought of all this just makes somebody want to go on a holiday. However, one thing that people don’t look forward to is hauling the stuff to the shoreline. Contents [hide] Tips for Choosing Best Beach Carts: To separate the average from the best, it was important to look at the following: Size: The cart should be able to accommodate all the stuff without squeezing them inside or leaving too much space.Wheels: the key to moving swiftly on sand lies in the size and design of the wheels.

Which Is The Best Beach Cart? 15. By: Copa Beach CartDimensions: 31 x 38 x 25 inchesWeight: 15.7 pounds 14. 13. 12. 11.