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Tangible Interface

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Computational User Experiences: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antenna. SLAP: Silicone Illuminated Active Peripherals. Bridging the Gap Between Virtual and Physical Controls on Tabletops Press and Talks 2010 Oct 1: features SLAP in an article as a trending topic in computer science Sep 8: Transmaterial 3 features an article about SLAP (Transmaterial 3, p. 239). 2009 Jun 8: iX online article about multi touch tables features a paragraph about SLAP.

SLAP: Silicone Illuminated Active Peripherals

Apr 9: SLAP was a huge success: notes from EnGadget and Gizmodo. Apr 6-9: We presented SLAP at CHI 2009 in Boston. Mar 25: SLAP in the press. Claytronics - Carnegie Mellon University. This project combines modular robotics, systems nanotechnology and computer science to create the dynamic, 3-Dimensional display of electronic information known as claytronics.

Claytronics - Carnegie Mellon University

Our goal is to give tangible, interactive forms to information so that a user's senses will experience digital environments as though they are indistinguishable from reality. Claytronics is taking place across a rapidly advancing frontier. Madgets: Actuating Widgets on Interactive Tabletops.