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The Groovy & Grails Podcast. Join Glen and Søren Berg Glasius as we discuss what's hip and happening at GR8Conf 2012 - when too much Groovy, Grails, Gradle and Griffon is not enough! Twit This! • Digg This! • Save to • Subscribe to this feed • Email this • Email the author Peter and Glen discuss the new Grails 2.0.2 / 1.3.8 fixes around vulnerabilities and also spend some time talking about the new plugin publishing model.

Don't Panic! After a long hiatus, it's back with a vengeance! Welcome to the reboot of Grails Podcast for 2012! This week we interview Ken Kousen, author of the book "Making Java Groovy". Show Notes This episode is a live recording from the Groovy and Grails BOF at SpringOne2GX 2011 in Chicago. Thanks to all the guys who came out late at night to participate! Enjoy! Graeme Rocher's Blog. Marc Palmer. I’ve decided to stop most of my blogging on this AnyWare blog which has served me well for nearly 10 years now. It has become too much of a mish-mash of topics. Read More I discovered an interview I did for Wiley around 1996 when I had built my Channel Maker app for Windows, for creating offline web subscription channels using the CDF format on Windows.

I don’t remember any of this, and its interesting to see how something so potentially useful like CDF/Pointcast channels just died as bandwidth improved. Thanks to the Wayback machine we can see the full 1990s horror of my old website and the app, and lack of understanding that bullet lists should stop at or before 5 items. If you’ve never listened to Mule Radio’s “Let’s Make Mistakes” podcast, you probably should. Here’s the deal. However it is completely unsustainable for me to work unpaid on this stuff, in fact I should have called this a year or two ago. Jeffs Groovy Web Log. Marcel Overdijk's Blog. Glen Smith. Andres Almiray's Weblog.

Update: The article was written by the time Griffon 0.9.5 came out. During this period additional plugins such as actions, i18n and i18n-support were required to make the application work. These plugins are no longer needed since Griffon 1.1.0. Furthermore, their usage is highly discouraged as Griffon 1.1.0 provides the same behavior. The following article appeared in Java Tecth Journal, April 2012. Building Desktop Applications the Groovy Way Building desktop applications can be an enjoyable experience if you’re willing to thrown in a bit of Groovy into the mix.

By Andres Almiray "Desktop application development", a term that isn't heard much these days as web development nor concurrency and parallelism are, however that doesn't mean it's dead as some proclaim. You may have heard of Griffon before but still wonder what it is. But enough of the theory, let's get some practice! Setup and Configuration Alright. Initial Steps First things first, how do we create an application? Listing 1. An Army of Solipsists. With all of the buzz about the Play vs Grails Smackdown at Devoxx last week, and this framework benchmark comparison from TechEmpower, I thought it would be interesting to look again at Rossen Stoyanchev’s demo project that integrates Spring MVC with Netty . He had mentioned it on the SpringSource internal developer list and I bookmarked it for later since I was curious about Netty I spent the weekend converting Rossen’s code to work with Grails, and created a plugin , borrowing some code from the Spring mock Servlet API classes and also from Tomcat.

Plugin, which also adds an alternative and higher-performance request path within a Grails application. Netty is a generic (but high-performance) network library, so it doesn’t have extensive support for the Servlet API. Most everything works in the plugin, but there are some omissions. You can install the plugin in the usual way, i.e. add this to BuildConfig.groovy The plugin page is here and the source is here . LD. Kickin' down the cobblestones. Behind the times. ... And They Shall Know Me By My Speling Errors. Well, it’s been over a year since I’ve posted a blog entry, and to those who say you should never excuse yourself for long absences, I extend my apologies.

And to those who say you should never apologize on your blogs, I must excuse myself for this indescression. I am writing this blog post in my hotel room after one of the best conferences I have ever been to: CodeMash. Next year do yourself a favor and go. A word of warning though, they increased the conference by 200 seats this year and sold out in under four days. I expect it to not last even a day next year with open ticket sales. I personally intend to avoid that hassle altogether and speak again. Wish me luck. This year I presented a talk entitled “Pry it from My Cold, Dead Hands: A Survival Guide for Swing Development in the Twenty Teens.”

Since it is only 15 days into the New Year I will take the liberty of also making a few more predictions. Next I have a 1 year prediction, related to the content of my talk. Enfranchised Mind | programming, politics, & other religious iss. The Disco Blog. Thoughts and Ideas. Stuff I’ve learned recently… [ Guillaume Laforge ] Retour à la navigation 09 décembre Ronds de serviettes pour repas de Noël — Ecrit par Stephanie Au centre de loisirs, ma fille a fabriqué des ronds de serviettes pour décorer la table lors des fêtes de fin d’année. Mais comme elle n’en a fabriqué que deux, il n’ y en avait pas pour tous les invités. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé : des rouleaux de carton (style rouleau de sopalin ou papier toilette)du papier de soie dorédu ruban en tissusdes perles en bois Tous d’abord, nous avons découpé les rouleaux en carton en anneaux de 2,5 cm de large. Et voici le résultat : Ecrit à 20:37:09 par Stephanie - - Groovy programming 11 mars Boites à bonbons pour l’anniversaire de ma fille — Ecrit par Stephanie Pour ses 4 ans, ma fille a invité des petits copains à la maison.

Afin de faire une petite surprise à chacun, j’ai décidé de leur offrir quelques bonbons dans un emballage sympa mais peu couteux. Je me suis donc lancée dans l’origami. Voici l’adresse de la vidéo : boite en origami Et le résultat final : Tomás Lin’s Programming Brain Dump | Flex, Grails, Facebook, iPh. Ted Naleid - Groovy, Grails and OS X tips and tricks. Josh (Formerly) In Antarctica.

Agile Developer, Inc. Agile Developer Venkat's Blog. Matt Stine's Blog. Shingler's Thoughts.