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Sacha Chua's Emacs configuration. Somewhat daunted by the prospect of categorizing more than a hundred sketches and blog posts for my monthly review, I spent some time figuring out how to create the digital equivalent of sorting index cards into various piles. 2015-02-01 Digital piles of index cards – index card #indexing #organization #pkm In fact, wouldn't it be super-cool if the items could automatically guess which category they should probably go in, prompting me only if it wasn't clear?

Sacha Chua's Emacs configuration

I wanted to write a function that could take a list structured like this: Keyword A Previous linksKeyword B Previous linksLink 1 with Keyword ALink 2 with Keyword BLink 3 with Keyword ALink 4 It should file Link 1 and 3 under Keyword A, Link 2 under Keyword B, and prompt me for the category for Link 4. Inspired by John Kitchin's recent post on defining a Helm source, I wanted to get it to work with Helm. The next step was to write a function that guessed the list category based on the item text, and moved the item there.

Org-protocol.el – Intercept calls from emacsclient to trigger custom actions. In some cases, replacing :base-url with :working-directory and :online-suffix with :working-suffix will not yield the desired results.

org-protocol.el – Intercept calls from emacsclient to trigger custom actions

Suppose you maintain an online store located at The local sources reside in /home/user/example/. While most of the URLs map directly to local file names by stripping URL parameters from the end and replacing the :base-url with :working-diretory and :online-suffix with :working-suffix, this might not work for rewritten URLs. It's common practice to serve all products in such a store through one file and rewrite URLs that do not match an existing file on the server. That way, a request to might be rewritten on the server to something like where /posters-A4-digital.html.php is the so called path info. Note that the browser will not notice the rewrite. If you now click your org- bookmark, the handler will probably not find a file named /home/user/example/print/posters-A4.html.php and fail.

Guess what the second :rewrites element does. Wicked Cool Emacs: BBDB: Set up BBDB – The main address book and contact management module for Emacs is the Insidious Big Brother Database (BBDB), which can be integrated into several mail clients and other modules within Emacs.

Wicked Cool Emacs: BBDB: Set up BBDB –

If you use BBDB to keep track of contact information, you’ll be able to look up phone numbers or add notes to people’s records from your Emacs-based mail. Even if you don’t do e-mail within Emacs, you’ll find that BBDB’s customizability makes it surprisingly powerful. In this project, you will learn how to set up BBDB as a basic address book. The BBDB homepage is at The development version fixes a number of bugs, so I recommend you try it instead of the stable version. However, if you are on Microsoft Windows or you do not have development tools handy, you might find the stable version easier to install. To check out the development version, change to your ~/elisp directory and type in the following lines at the command prompt: Category Bbdb. BBDB stands for The Insidious Big Brother Database – an address book that you can hook into your mail- and newsreader, sync with your mobile device, etc.

Category Bbdb

Click on the header to list all BBDB related pages. Bbdb and Custom Address Formats AddressFormatBrazil – Brazilian address formattingAddressFormatUK - UK address formatting Bbdb and Mail. A Complete Guide to Email in Emacs using Mu and Mu4e. I get a lot of email.

A Complete Guide to Email in Emacs using Mu and Mu4e

I'm also pretty sure you get a lot of email. However, email is still not a solved problemThis is evidenced by the fact that a quick Google search yields no less than ten viable options for email clients on my Mac. . Each potential email client is acceptable on it's own, yet none of them satisfied all of my desired features: This is evidenced by the fact that a quick Google search yields no less than ten viable options for email clients on my Mac. The ability to access my email without an internet connectionI travel quite a lot, so this was very important to me. .

I travel quite a lot, so this was very important to me. UTF-8 in Emacs: Everywhere, Forever – thraxys. How to format a presentation in ox-reveal / Reveal.js export in Org mode - Emacs Stack Exchange. The org-reveal export package builds on top of ox-html.

How to format a presentation in ox-reveal / Reveal.js export in Org mode - Emacs Stack Exchange

That means that most export settings are still controlled just like when exporting org to html. How to set the title/author_name/email_address? To set the title, author name and email address you can use the standard org-mode preprocessor tags: #+TITLE: My wonderful reveal presentation #+DATE: 11.10.2016 #+AUTHOR: Me #+EMAIL: You just have to place them at the top of your org document. The information will land in the title screen when you export your org to reveal. EmacsWiki: Word Count. Introduction to org-ref. Jkitchin/org-ref: org-mode modules for citations, cross-references, bibliographies in org-mode and useful bibtex tools to go with it. Emacs SMTP Library: Emacs Speaks SMTP. Emacs includes a package for sending your mail to a SMTP server and have it take care of delivering it to the final destination, rather than letting the MTA on your local system take care of it.

This can be useful if you don’t have a MTA set up on your host, or if your machine is often disconnected from the internet. Sending mail via SMTP requires configuring your mail user agent (see (emacs)Mail Methods) to use the SMTP library. If you have not configured anything, then in Emacs 24.1 and later the first time you try to send a mail Emacs will ask how you want to send mail. To use this library, answer ‘smtp’ when prompted. Emacs then asks for the name of the SMTP server. Mu4e - Email Client — Emacs latest documentation. The advantage of use Emacs as an email client: communication happens at the point where the content is generated. as a statisician/programmer, most likely I need to communicate with numbers, table, graphs, or snippet.

mu4e - Email Client — Emacs latest documentation

I could just copy these results from to email, do a quick editing.HTML email with CSS style. I like to format my email use headingline, fonts, and highlight the code, I used to be write a report in Word/LatEx and write an email with only one line, please see the attachment. which I don’t properly I use search all the time, and this functionality is not working at all in outlook 2013, it also shows up random info ( in osx did a great job). Disadvantage and the things it can’t do: book Meeting/Appointment I am not aware if you can do it in emacs, and we need an iterative way to do. This setting need two programs to work: 1) mu, 2) offlineimap. Master your inbox with mu4e and org-mode. In the following I will put forward my philosophy on handling emails and then show how this is realised in emacs using mu4e and org-mode.

Master your inbox with mu4e and org-mode

I couple of years ago I read an article by the economist Tim Harford which hugely influenced the way I handle my emails. The ideas in the article are not unique but they really struck a chord with me. Migrating from offlineimap to mbsync for mu4e. I have just switched over from offlineimap to mbsync (part of isync) for synchronising my local email with Gmail for use with mu4e.

Migrating from offlineimap to mbsync for mu4e

I found offlineimap worked well enough but it would hang frequently if I had connection problems (e.g. on my laptop) and mbsync is much faster. I couldn’t find a guide for migrating, and I encountered a few issues along the way, so I thought I’d document the process here. The isync mailing list has some discussion of how to convert the maildir folders and related files from offlineimap to mbsync format, but I didn’t see any examples of this being done successfully so I decided to play it safe and sync a new maildir directory with mbsync, downloading a new copy of all of my emails from Gmail’s servers. I’m using a Mac, and built the newest version of isync from source without problems (the version on Mac Ports is older). My Workflow with Org-Agenda. I'm sure we've all had the same experience with "fully-featured" todo-list and project management programs: each had their own niceties, but none quite delivered on their promise.

My Workflow with Org-Agenda

I've been using the built-in org-mode within Emacs for quite some time now, so I figured it was high time that I really made it my own. I'm glad I did. For the last year, many of my customization options were taken directly from the unbelievably detailed Guide by Bernt Hansen and remained unchanged for some timeEven if you don't use this post for your own configurations, I highly recommend looking at Bernt's exhaustive guide. . How to add tags completion to org mode capture? Tag searches. This is the official manual for the latest Org-mode release. 6.4 Tag searches Once a system of tags has been set up, it can be used to collect related information into special lists. A research workflow with Zotero and Org mode. Any research project is going to involve a literature search: reading through a bunch of papers that might be relevant to your topic in order to get a sense of what the field already knows.

Now, maybe there's some magic technique for picking out the information that matters, passing over the rest, and writing out a single, coherent story in one pass through all the papers you can find. If that technique exists, I have no idea what it is. GitHub - jkitchin/org-ref: org-mode modules for citations, cross-references, bibliographies in org-mode and useful bibtex tools to go with it.

Org-Mode and Writing Papers: Some Tips - Clark R. Donley. You can easily use RefTeX to quickly insert citations from a .bib file. I modified some of this from Kieran Healy’s instructions. I keep my bibliography file at /Users/clarkdonley/Files/Academic/Bibliography/main.bib and I use biblatex. After a bit of fiddling, this configuration works. Again, it goes in your .emacs or Preferences.el and you’ll need to configure the specifics for your needs.

Scientific Writing with Zotero and Org Mode. Michael Behr has an interesting post on his scientific writing workflow. The post isn’t really about how he writes his papers but rather how he organizes and curates his research materials. As you’d expect, he uses an Org file to store links to research papers and take notes on them. If you’re an Org mode user you won’t have any difficulty imagining what this looks like. What’s interesting about his workflow is that he use Zotero to capture and store copies of the papers he needs for his research. I used Zotero long ago when I was still using Vim and Zotero existed solely as a Firefox plugin. I’m not sure how necessary Zotero is if you want a similar workflow. Saving weblinks to org-mode from Safari. Each day, I come across numerous web articles, blog posts, newsgroup posts, etc, that appear interesting.

Often, I discover them while working on another task. To avoid distraction, I typically save their links for later review. Tutorial for how to make ido or helm menu? : emacs. Understanding the Git Workflow. If you don’t understand the motivation behind Git’s design, you’re in for a world of hurt. Reading and writing email with emacs - Emacs Stack Exchange. Org-Mode and Writing Papers: Some Tips - Clark R. Donley. Convert between almost any text based formats. Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text! Okay, I admit it. SLY User Manual, version 1.0.0-beta-2. Emacs Manual: Save Keyboard Macro.

17.5 Naming and Saving Keyboard Macros. Post. Enabling tikz previews in org-mode. How to Evaluate Emacs Lisp Code. Orgtbl-ascii-plot.el – plots in ascii-art. Org tutorial on generating simple process diagrams using dot and tables. GNU Emacs Manual: Editing Binary Files. There is a special major mode for editing binary files: Hexl mode. Creating and Publishing Presentations with Org-reveal. That’s great for giving lectures, and is all I really need at 9:55 when I’m trying to type my lecture and walk to class at the same time. Making a reveal.js presentation with org-reveal. Writing Beamer presentations in org-mode. Multicursor. Utiliser Org comme tableur: une courte introduction.

Emacs 24 : Toute résistance est inutile. LaTeX Source Code Blocks in Org Mode. Taming Google Calendar With Org-Mode. Predictive pour booster la productivité du rédacteur technique et marketing. GitHub - atykhonov/google-translate: Emacs interface to Google Translate. Writing A Spotify Client in 16 Minutes. Emacs + Auctex + Synctex + Okular on Ubuntu 12.04 - Signals. Org mode is awesome. Taking Notes In Emacs Org-Mode. Google Calendar Synchronization.