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About. Absorb Mathematics Absorb Mathematics is an interactive course written by Kadie Armstrong, a mathematician and an expert in developing interactive online content.


It offers a huge amount of interactivity - ranging from simple animations that show hidden concepts, to powerful models that allow flexible experimentation. Absorb Mathematics is divided into units – roughly corresponding to a lesson – so you can follow the structure of the course all the way through or use the units individually when covering a particular topic or concept. Each unit provides an engaging narrative supported by interactive animations, our unique simulations and exercises to ensure concepts have been understood. Try the free sample units in your class. Magnitude and Direction of a Vector - Calculator. Mathematical References - RF Cafe. Chronology of Pure and Applied Mathematics. SpeQ Mathematics. MathCast Home. Math Interactives. Instacalc Online Calculator.

Solve the Equation. Online Matrix Calculator. Linear Equation Solver.