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Mike Essig – Medium. What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking? : AskReddit. 12 casos reales de metraje encontrado absolutamente estremecedores. Un usuario de Reddit preguntó sobre casos de metraje encontrado reales que resulten especialmente escalofriantes.

12 casos reales de metraje encontrado absolutamente estremecedores

Aquí recopilamos las mejores respuestas. "Los vídeo-diarios de Ricardo Lopez. Estaba obsesionado con Bjork y, durante 9 meses, hizo diversos vídeos detallando cómo iba a matarla con una carta bomba, entre otras cosas. Al final del último vídeo se suicida. Lo que hay a continuación es una versión editada, pero creo que puedes encontrar todas las cintas en internet". "Este siempre me ha dado escalofríos. Honest Photos Of Motherhood Challenge What We Think Of As 'Natural' Stanislav Petrov, el hombre que evitó la tercera guerra mundial - Conspiranoias. Se llama Stanislav Petrov, y fue teniente coronel del Ejército Rojo durante la Guerra Fría.

Stanislav Petrov, el hombre que evitó la tercera guerra mundial - Conspiranoias

Su nombre no es conocido, y actualmente malvive como pensionista en un pequeño pueblo de la Federación Rusa. Sin embargo, jugó un papel fundamental para la historia de la humanidad: Durante la madrugada del 26 de septiembre de 1983, en el suceso denominado como “el incidente del equinoccio de otoño”, identificó correctamente una alarma de lanzamiento de misiles como falsa, y se negó a aplicar el protocolo de actuación establecido para éstos casos, que consistía en informar a las autoridades e iniciar los preparativos para un contraataque nuclear. Según los analistas, ésta fue la ocasión en la que la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos estuvieron más cerca de iniciar una guerra nuclear.

El incidente del equinoccio de otoño comenzó una fría noche de septiembre de 1983. A las 00.14, las alarmas empezaron a rugir en el búnker. Are you having a bad day? Student Captures What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful. How would you react if someone told you that you’re beautiful?

Student Captures What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful

18-year-old Shea Glover, a highschool student from Chicago, conducted a social experiment to find out. She posed people in front of her camera and then told them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.” Show Full Text The responses are touching. “I conducted an independent project which evidently turned into a social experiment regarding beauty,” Glover writes on YouTube. More info: YouTube (h/t: aplus)

How Different People Live In Identical Flats In The Same Building. Theroigne de Mericourt. Woman figure in the French Revolution Anne-Josèphe Théroigne de Méricourt (born Anne-Josèphe Terwagne; 13 August 1762–9 June 1817) was a singer, orator and organizer in the French Revolution.

Theroigne de Mericourt

She was born at Marcourt (Prince-Bishopric of Liège) [1](from which comes the appellation "de Méricourt"), a small town in Luxembourg province, in modern Belgium. She is known both for her portrayal in the French Revolutionary press and for her subsequent mental breakdown and institutionalization. Early life (1767–1789)[edit] She was born Anne-Josèphe Terwagne in Marcourt, Rendeux, to Pierre Terwagne (b. 1731) and Anne-Élisabeth Lahaye (1732–1767). At some point between 1784 and 1787 she crafted a relationship with sixty year old Marquis de Persan, a Councillor of the Parliament of Paris.

Role in French Revolution (1789–1790)[edit] King's cockade and National Assembly[edit] Society of Friends of the Law[edit] Chelsea Manning - Wikipedia. Trenger oppdatering: Denne artikkelen eller seksjonen er ikke oppdatert med ny utvikling eller ny informasjon.

Chelsea Manning - Wikipedia

Du kan hjelpe Wikipedia med å oppdatere den. Bakgrunn[rediger | rediger kilde] Mannings foreldre traff hverandre da faren tjenstgjorde for United States Navy som etterretningsanalytiker, stasjonert i Wales, hvor moren var fra. Honoré de Balzac. Honoré de Balzac (/ˈbɔːlzæk, ˈbæl-/;[2] French: [ɔ.nɔ.ʁe d(ə) bal.zak], born Honoré Balzac,[1] 20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright.

Honoré de Balzac

The novel sequence La Comédie Humaine, which presents a panorama of post-Napoleonic French life, is generally viewed as his magnum opus. Owing to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature.[3] He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities. His writing influenced many famous writers, including the novelists Émile Zola, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Jack Kerouac and Henry James, as well as important philosophers such as Friedrich Engels.


Phil Hansen: The art of the imperfect. Arts. Al Turtle's Relationship Wisdom. People are taking the time to read, download, and hand out my articles – over 181,000 readers in the past year.

Al Turtle's Relationship Wisdom

This is pretty powerful stuff, and I am very gratified that so many are valuing it. My deep goal is, of course, to get to the children. "Happier couples raise healthier kids. " And this advice works with any kind of relationship. With your help the world is a little better, a little more connected, than when we found it. Continue reading These are the Graphics/Handouts for my classes in Anacortes, WA. Continue reading I wrote this in August 2010 in response to the postings of some friends in Marriage Advocates, directly on this topic. Continue reading My friend, Scott Dodson, spent years reading and absorbing all the stuff I teach.

Continue reading A fun article with labels for the different types of relationships. Wendy Tsao – new craft projects.


Articles. People reacting (Psychology studies) Deeper. The World, apparently.