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Hp Touchpad Apps | HP Tablet Mini Laptop. WebOSroundup | News, Reviews, Apps | HP webOS, TouchPad, Pre, Veer |webOSroundup. Finding and installing apps on the HP TouchPad. HP Touchpad: Tips and tricks, best apps, and related accessories. HP Offering TouchPad Owners Free Applications. How about some free applications for your heavily discounted tablet? HP's TouchPad fire sale had shoppers whipped into a frenzy within a matter of minutes. A $99 tablet? It didn't matter to anyone that this was a soon to be discontinued product -- it was too good a deal to give up. HP was overwhelmed by the demand for the TouchPad and now it seems the company is treating new TouchPad owners to some free applications.

"How does a cool, refreshing, and free 6-Pack sound? " Those hoping to take advantage of this offer will need a TouchPad with a current and functioning user profile that has credit card purchasing enabled. If none of these apps tickle your fancy, HP is promising another 'six-pack' in September. 6 more free apps for your HP TouchPad. The promotion HP ran last week for free apps for the TouchPad was a success as the promo codes ran out after just a day. The second six-pack of free apps has just been released by HP so those interested better get over there and snag them before the well runs dry. Note that there are only four new apps being given away as two of the six were also on the free list last time. The promo code is listed above for each app immediately after the price. Just enter it in the appropriate box during checkout and you'll be using your free app in minutes.

TouchPad | Tablet PC | HP® Official Site | U.S. Supercharge Your New HP Touchpad With Non-Market Apps and Patches.