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Les Forums de Radio Ici&Maintenant ! 95.2 FM - Accueil. Ans | Reptilians | Grey Aliens | Pleiadians | Ancient Aliens. Blog Archive » Pourquoi tant de films & séries sur des invasions aliènes ? Un article de Amos Barshad : "Aimez-vous les séries TV sur les invasions aliènes ? Dans ce cas les nouvelles sont bonnes : de nouveaux feuilletons sont en préparation ainsi qu'une pléthore de films sur ce même thème!

Prochainement sur vos écrans : L'audimat et les recettes seront-ils à la hauteur des attentes ? Aucune idée ! Cette nouvelle vague de projets d'invasion aliène fait face à une quantité de théories émises par les "experts" de la culture populaire qui s'évertuent à expliquer les raisons sociologiques de celle-ci. Peut-on essayer de prévoir quelle sera la théorie d'invasion aliène la plus populaire, au risque d'empêcher qu'elle devienne la théorie dominante ? Essayons. Théorie Potentielle 3 : En raison des problèmes sociopolitiques actuels, le cinéma est à court de méchants qui seraient sans conséquences fâcheuses pour la production.

Faites que votre méchant cinématographique ait l'air vaguement arabe et vous risquez de passer pour un chauvin balourd. Diouf, pour Ovnis-USA. John O. Lear. Fils de William Lear. Capitaine de Lockheed L-1011 pour une des principales compagnies d'aviation américaines, Lear a piloté plus de 160 types d'appareils différents dans plus de 50 pays. Il détient 17 records du monde de vitesse avec le Lear, et est le seul pilote à détenir l'ensemble des certificats de pilotage délivrés par la FAA.

Lear a été pilote dans divers endroits du monde pour la CIA et d'autres agences gouvernementales. Face aux accusations de déshéritage par son père, Lear répond : Mon père m'a déshérité par que j'ai critiqué la conception du LeanFan. Lear commence à s'intéresser aux ovnis lors de l'été 1986, après avoir discuté avec un pilote de l'USAF ayant vu un ovni à la base de Bentwaters 1. Gene Huff, un ami de Lear, fera néanmoins des déclarations franches à son sujet : John n'a aucun degré de scepticisme, aucune capacité à résoudre des problèmes, et aucune mémoire. En 1988 il choisit avec John Grace le nom de "O.

Space Anomalies. UFO General. UFO. Saturn. ET species & info. Moon. Right to know. Space and Et's. ExtraTerrestrials / Higher Dimensional Beings. Ufologie - Sciences. Exopolitics. Jacques vallée. UFO-Date Unknown. UFO Years 1800-1948. UFO Years 1950. UFO Years 1960. UFO Years 1970. UFO Years 1980. UFO Years 1990.

UFO Years 2000. Massive Wormhole UFO Flying Over China July 9, 2010. 3 giant spaceships will attack Earth in 2012: researchers. Norway Spiral Light -UFO-Portal. UFO - NASA. WIKILEAKS FAN CLUB - UFO NASA EVIDENCE.flv. Three spooky UFO videos - extraterrestres reales, area 51, alians, alien abduction, ufos 2009. UFO Spiral over Western Canada seen from Airplane - INCREDIBLE VIDEO. UFO Motherships over Mexico Nov 2010 Compilation1. Ufo SOHO images 12 21 2010. A.D. After Disclosure. Wikileaks - hidden technology and UFO's. Jordan Maxwell sur la question des reptiliens - VOSTFR.

ALERT* UFOs Are Orbiting The Sun! *ALERT* UFOs in NASA imagery. Spiral UFO Over Thailand, December 2009. Huge Mothership UFO Seen Over Peru,4th January 2011. Gigantic UFO Objects Photographed in Sun's Center (Jan. 12, 2011) Spiral in norway's sky,haarp nibiru cover up,blue beam proj.,you decide. UFO shoots at missile (CNN) 3 Very Large Objects In Space Flying To Earth - Canada ufo. E.T. does not need to phone home anymore, someone, or something is on it’s way to earth.

SETI Astrophysicist Craig Kasnov ( not to be confused with Craig Kasnoff ) has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. The length of the "flying saucers" is in the range of tens of kilometers. Landing, according to calculations of scientists, should be in mid-December 2012. Date coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar. A few very large objects rapidly approaching the Earth - says SETI astrophysicist Craig Kasnov. 19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object 16 19 35 -88 43 10 - a cylindrical object 02 26 39 -89 43 13 - the object as a circle The project participants are assured that the facilities are absolutely real, and the American space agency NASA is trying to conceal important information.

None of these objects can be seen from the northern hemisphere. Keep your eyes on the skies… the truth is out there. Reptiliens ,STRANGE REPORTERS made in France !! First Contact - The October 14th Message. Larry King CNN UFO Disclosure 1/4. UFO 'S AT WAR IN SPACE !! SOHO TELESCOPE CAPTURES IMAGES ! GIANT UFO EMV'S WITHIN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM ( HD ) OVNIs Vus Par Des Astronautes. Huge Spherical Objects Flying Around Our Sun 1-27-10. Chinese Wormhole Spiral! Project Bluebeam Is Now In Effect. EBANIS EBANI MEXICO DF SKY SERPENT OVNI UFO 2011 Octavio Fernández García. UFO OVNI New York Flotilla Fleet Armada Disclosure 2011 March. LONDON UFO 2011. NEW WikiLeaks Disclose VIDEO of UFO Activity OVNI ( all caught on TAPE.) Wikileaks UFO Disclosure. 201002173333 | Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India. This page is viewed 168321 times Rajasthan Times A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area of India have made a startling discovery: Intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft.

The images were found in the Hoshangabad district of the state of Madhya Pradesh only 70 kilometers from the local administrative centre of Raisen. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle. A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a space suit can be seen in one cave painting along with a classical flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. Also visible is another object that might depict a wormhole, explaining how aliens were able to reach Earth. Local Archaeologist, Mr Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. Add this page to your favorite Social Bookmarking websites Related News:

La preuve OVNI de la NASA. 2010 NASA UFO Cover-up - Galactic Federation of Light scoutships around Sun. Crash d'un OVNI. UFO CRASH KGB - UFO CRASH RUSSIA. Strange Spiral light phenomena over Norway coincides with Obama peace prize reception. ALERT* UFOs Are Orbiting The Sun! *ALERT* NASA STS-88 black transforming UFO. May 24, 2010 UFO Sighting, Sedona AZ. Russian Giant Sky UFO Ring October 2009. Mexico's Roswell: 1974 UFO Crash. OVNIS MEXICO EBANIS MEXICO UFO 2011 Octavio Fernandez Garcia. OVNI: Révélations Ex Ministre Canadien Paul Hellyer. 2012 Mass Global Landing - Galactic Federation of Light Documented Disclosure is IMMINIENT NOW! Mysterious Spiral Lights Appear Over China. UFO Lima Peru, Incredible Real, Special Analysis HD.mp4. GIANT UFO EMV'S WITHIN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM ( HD ) TRIANGULAR UFO CAUGHT ON NIGHT VISION.

EBANI MEXICO EBANIS MEXICO SKY SERPENT UFO MEXICO Octavio Fernández 2011. DULCE NEW MEXICO--WHAT WE "KNOW"--MAYBE. THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL COMES FROM PEOPLE WHO KNOW THE DULCE (UNDERGROUND) BASE EXISTS. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO WORKED IN THE LABS; ABDUCTEES TAKEN TO THE BASE; PEOPLE WHO ASSISTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION; INTELL PERSONAL (NSA, CIA, FBI etc.). THIS INFORMATION IS MEANT FOR THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUSLY INTERESTED IN THE DULCE BASE. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, "USE CAUTION" WHILE INVESTIGATING THIS COMPLEX, even on the net. An ongoing investigation: "THE DULCE BASE" by Jason Bishop III This facility is a "GENETICS LAB" and is connected to Los Alamos via a "Tube-Shuttle. " In the revised September 1950 edition of "THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS" prepared for and in cooperation with the U.S. On page #381: "There are apparently no fundamental difficulties in construction and operating underground various types of important facilities.

CAUGHT IN THE GAME -- Centuries ago, "surface people" (some say, Illuminati) entered into a pact with an "Alien Nation" (hidden within the Earth). WHOSE PLANET IS THIS? The U.S. There is a secret war being waged in Space. WikiLeaks: USA vs UFO War Near Antarctica in the Southern Ocean. ESFERA UFO GUADALAJARA MEXICO UFO IN MEXICO OVNIS MEXICO. ALERT* NASA CENSORED MY VIDEO PICTURES! 100% PROOF! *ALERT*

UFO Sighting of Muliple Earth size Objects Around Sun in 2010 in NASA Video. Julian-Assange-Wikileaks UFO-references 2010-12-04. UFO FILMED OUT OF PLANE WINDOW. Flotilla OVNI en París 2010 - Marilú Carrillo. UFO Man Photographed Clear Flying Saucer in Mexico 2010. UFO WORMHOLE SPIRAL SYDNEY AUSTRALIA 5th JUNE 2010 ALIENS WITH DETAILS. UFO ON ALANYA / TURKEY HD. Flotilla de Pelicanos en: México. Les OVNI dans le temps... - une vidéo Art et Création. UFO 2012 - Mayan elders message to Humanity. 2010 First Contact - SaLuSa (Sirius Star Nation) - The Truth is Coming 2010.